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ZSE40 ZooZ 4-in-1 Sensor not Completing Interview


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After including the ZSE40 many nodes are created but no data in the fields and Z-Ray indicates Interview not Done. So, it doesn't appear to be functioning. The device itself appears good as the LED flashes accordingly. I tried Update with Interview but nothing changed so I did an exclude/include. It added as a new Z-Wave device as it did before but also didn't complete the interview and I see that X-Ray is still showing its old ID with Interview not Done.

  • Was wondering if this is yet another device that is known to not work with ZMatter board or is there some other technique to try?
  • Is there a way to get rid of devices shown in X-Ray data that have been excluded but still listed?
  • In X-Ray DH All Devices item number 1 shows as Interview not Done. Is that the ZMatter Controller and should show as not interviewed?

thanks for any insights.

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I have been finding the battery devices have needed a few interviews to complete.  It's as if the device goes back asleep.  I have found by either hitting buttons on the device or activating it (moisture, motion) that sometimes keeps the interview going.  mostly through just another interview seems to eventually get it all done.  also in one case I went onto something else and the data/nodes showed up later.  just with battery.

dong this I have got all of my z-wave working with all nodes.

Now I am really looking forward to being able to do OTA updates for my z-wave.  I am in an OSX / Linux  house so need this to get my devices up to date.


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32 minutes ago, sjenkins said:

I have been finding the battery devices have needed a few interviews to complete.  It's as if the device goes back asleep.

Sometimes if you send a Keep Awake and then manually wake the device that will help, but some devices just won't interview correctly, and UDI is looking into this. Hopefully soon they'll get the bugs out.

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On 1/15/2023 at 11:29 AM, vbphil said:

After including the ZSE40 many nodes are created but no data in the fields and Z-Ray indicates Interview not Done. So, it doesn't appear to be functioning. The device itself appears good as the LED flashes accordingly. I tried Update with Interview but nothing changed so I did an exclude/include. It added as a new Z-Wave device as it did before but also didn't complete the interview and I see that X-Ray is still showing its old ID with Interview not Done.

  • Was wondering if this is yet another device that is known to not work with ZMatter board or is there some other technique to try?
  • Is there a way to get rid of devices shown in X-Ray data that have been excluded but still listed?
  • In X-Ray DH All Devices item number 1 shows as Interview not Done. Is that the ZMatter Controller and should show as not interviewed?

thanks for any insights.

I'm seeing the same thing.  Most functions seem to work except motion stays on and temp is in C.

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