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Zooz Zen34 worked on ISY994i but won't on Polisy IoX with Zwave/Zmatter board

Chris McKean

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Just migrated from ISY994i ZW+ IR PRO to Polisy IoX with Zwave/Zmatter board yesterday.  Everything is working fine except for one device.  I have 6 or so Zwave devices that I had to manually install and was able to get all of them to work except for the Zooz Zen34.  I am able to get it installed without a problem, but it won't control any devices.  It has three options on the switch, Wall Controller, Wake Up, and Basic Control.  The basic control, which I assume I would use to control other devices through scenes or programs doesn't have an option to turn it on or off via the ISY.  It only has Query.  I am able to install it in a scene with the Basic Control as the controller and my light as a responder, but it won't work.  Also, if I create a program with IF as the Basic Control on and then the light, still doesn't work when I press the Zen34 switch.

I have deleted all of the Zwave devices and reset the Z-wave dongle on the Polisy and reinstalled all devices once already.  

Any thoughts?

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