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eISY Dimensions


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I was looking for eISY dimensions to check foot print against limited area space on coat closet wall where ISY994i currently resides. Found the dimensions on the Product "Additional Information" tab as 10 x 10 x 5 in. That can't be right since eISY clearly rectangular and around 1 inch high. Perhaps that dimension refers to the shipping box but does not indicate that. Nevertheless, would like to know the dimensions of eISY and point out possible error on the product page. Thanks in advance.

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The eisy itself is 5 1/8" x 3 3/16" x 3/4"

With the Z-Wave USB Module it's 5 1/8" x 9" x 3/4" as pictured here:


The eisy comes with a wall mount.



Edited by TRI0N
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