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SWL works but doesn’t light the light

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I had the power out for an extended amount of time. When the power came back in a light controlled by a SWL was illuminated. 
I shut it off and when I turned it back on the light didn’t come on. 
the LEDs on the swl ramp up and down, I can control it from the UD mobile, and communication seems fine. But no light. I also tried airgapping it. 
I have another SWL so I’ll switch it out this weekend. Just wondering if I need to reset it or if someone else had this issue and has a fix. 
or if it’s done. 

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It does sound like it was damaged by the power loss and restoration. If cycling the power with the Air Gap switch didn't do much.

Possibly the triac part of it. If it is directly driving the bulbs with its output.

The substitution of an other SWL may yield some data on the problem.

Edited by Brian H
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