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I have an issue with the PG3 LifX NS in that anytime the Polisy is rebooted or updated, the LifX NS always restarts with zero bulbs found. Yes I have the correct bitstring installed. Often I have to reboot my router and the Polisy and restart the NS multiple times before I find a combination of reboots and restarts that works to restore the NS's ability to find the LifX bulbs. Maybe it's just time and I'm impatient, but I've tried just waiting and after hours the NS still won't find the LifX bulbs that it found with no difficulty before the reboot / restart of the Polisy.

This problem also used to happen with PG2 so I believe it to be a local issue or something with the NS itself.

Yesterday none of the normal gyrations worked to restore function after the 5.5.9 upgrade. So, I ended up deleting the LifX NS and started from scratch. Eureka! That worked. I don't understand why this happens, but the simple solution is to use the devlist parameter; if I could figure out how to make it work.

Is anyone using this with PG3? I tired to set it up yesterday and couldn't find a workable name in the parameters section of the configuration.

I tried,

Key                     Value


devlist.yaml        1

/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_3/devlist.yaml   (with a value of 1 and blank)

Nothing seems to work. Here's my test devlist.yaml, maybe I have the formatting wrong. I changed the names to protect the innocent, ignore the xx:xx:xx. Let me know what's working for you! Tagging @xKing and @bpwwer as one of you obi wan's might have some insight as to why the LifX NS causes so many problems and how to use the devlist parameter.


- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Chand-1
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Chand-2
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Chand-3
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Chand-4
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Chand-5
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Vanity-1
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Vanity-2
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Vanity-3
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Vanity-4
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Vanity-5
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Bedroom-1
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: Bedroom-2
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: DiningRm-1
  type: bulb
- ip:
  mac: 'D0:73:D5:xx:xx:xx'
  name: DiningRm-2
  type: bulb

- address: grp000
  members: [Vanity-1, Vanity-2, Vanity-3, Vanity-4, Vanity-5]
  name: Vanity
- address: grp001
  members: [Bedroom-1, Bedroom-2]
  name: Bedroom
- address: grp002
  members: [DiningRm-1, DiningRm-2]
  name: DiningRoom 
- address: grp003
  members: [Chand-1, Chand-2, Chand-3, Chand-4, Chand-5]
  name: Chandelier 


Edited by kzboray
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