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Spurious signals turning on modules.

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ISY log shows nothing, but I have a few modules randomly popping on, and a few other unreliable modules that sometimes miss their scene messages.  I have about 100 modules and dozens of filterlincs on anything that might cause noise.  A bit of research shows that Insteon added a checksum in 2012 and about half my modules were older than that.  I started swapping out the older modules from my spares and the issues started reducing and the system started getting more and more reliable.  Is there a way to get the ISY/Polisy to show revisions?  I can only see the hardware version and the address.  Also, is there a list somewhere of what was fixed in each revision?

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I have not seen any features by Hardware and Firmware revisions chart.

Can't say about eisy but I have seen no revisions method in my ISY994i. I have also seen the same firmware used in more than one hardware version if a module. I know the 2413S PLM has used the same firmware in more than one hardware revision.

From you description it looks like you still have power line issues. Especially if your old ones are power line only and strictly the original I1 communication.  Your I2 and I2CS modules maybe dual band and also use RF Insteon to get to locations.

Any new electronic devices in the home not on a filterlinc? Do you have any dual band modules, access points or range entenders. To get signals around the home. If you do. Many have a built in communications test. Where you can see how they are communicating to each other and same or opposite phase powering the tested modules.

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On 4/25/2023 at 3:22 AM, Brian H said:

Any new electronic devices in the home not on a filterlinc?

You called it.  I had a camera powered by the USB power adapter it came with next to a few 2635 On/Off modules.  Filtering the power adapter OR replacing the On/Off modules with Revision 1.5 or greater fixed the spurious signal issue.  In a modern home filled with automated seasonal effects and smart sensors, it's nearly impossible to have every power adapter filtered, but I've made a solid attempt and have also committed to only using newer modules near where such things are plugged in.  As a side note, Insteon has the filters back in stock.

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10 hours ago, Lore said:

it's nearly impossible to have every power adapter filtered

I wouldn't be able to either.  Although I'm happy to report that I only have one filterlinc in use.   Well over 100 Insteon devices (I don't even know how many anymore).

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