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Feature request - All Nodes OK at top level

Andy P

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OK, so I know this node server is not being actively developed, but I thought I would make a suggestion and see what happens.

On the physical panel for the Honeywell Vista, there is a green light that is on when no zones are faulted. I looked through the TC2 API alarm node status enumeration and it does not look like the API returns a 'not ready to arm' state unfortunately. So, I can write a program with 22 IF statements, one for each node, to check if all nodes are OK, but that seems like a lot of work.

So, my feature request is that at each polling interval, the top node which represents the alarm panel has a new property 'All Nodes OK' that would be set to True or False depending on whether the scan of all the nodes returned OK for every node. Or in other words, if that property was false, it means that at least one zone is not OK. 

This would allow me to do some automation, like turn on a light, if any of my zones are faulted without having to put all 22 zones in the IF statement. I looked through the source code for the node server, but I am not familiar enough with how the node servers are coded to tell how hard that change would be. Meanwhile, I guess I will bite the bullet and create a boolean variable that gets set by those 22 IF statements.


Edited by Andy P
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Hi Andy,

I think the green panel light takes more into account than checking all nodes. For example if there are nodes that don’t trigger an alert in stay mode (typically motion sensors, but could be others), the light is green even if they are faulted. I doubt that level of detail is provided to the interface.  
That said I do wish your request could be implemented!

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I just posted this same thing on another topic.  There are a number of node servers that UDI ported from PG2 to PG3 because the original author had abandoned them.  I did most of this work for UDI.

But there's no on-going support/maintenance for them as I don't have the time.

All of these node servers are stored in  https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3 You can check if this is the case via the more info button.  

UDI doesn't really monitor the forum for issues with these so if you're not getting any response from the node server author here (via PM or github issue), then submit a ticket to UDI. 

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