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ZMATTER / Dimmer shopping question


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Apologies ahead f time--I wasn't sure which forum this was best suited for.


Anyway... I've had a few Insteon dimmers die recently so I started looking into possible replacements.  Easy enough to go buy some new Insteon's but i wanted to investigate newer options... specifically dimmers that are:

1) Matter certified

2) use Thread

3) Can be integrated with my Polisy with the Zmatter board which I installed some time ago.


My questions are basically... are we there yet?  It's unclear to me is Polisy (even with the ZMatter board) is actually ready for MATTER devices.  Secondly, can the Polisy leverage Thread?  And lastly, assuming the Polisy either is or soon will be able to interact with Matter and Thread... I could find no Dimmer devices that seemed to check those boxes--which really surprised me.  I'm curious if any of you have found "next gen" dimmers that you like?




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