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Repeating Programs


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I would like to set up a program that turns on a scene and keeps it on for 6 hours. It needs to correct itself if someone accidentally presses a switch to turn off a light.


I tried setting a repeat function on the program for every hour which may work but I am wondering if that is the best way. Every hour is OK but instantaneous would be better.


For example, my kids will sometimes press switches because they "can". I want a specific set for some time and, even though the switch will turn the light off, I want it to go back on as quickly as possible. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


You did not provide a lot of details, so I can only suggest some general ideas. I am assuming that you want your scene to come on at a fixed time, and off six hours later, correct?


First step I would consider would be to use a program as a condition, such as:



time from on time - 1 minute to off time + 1 minute




I would then create a program such as



condition program is true
time is on time
control switch A is turned off
control switch B is turned off


turn scene on


turn scene off


There are probably more elegant solutions, but perhaps a concept such as this can be made to work for you. Better yet, maybe this can give you a start on your own thoughts.


Ah. So you a second program. That is a good idea. This could get complicated though. I have an upstairs hallway light controlled by 4 separate switches and 2 bathroom lights switches. The first program says that at 8 PM all those lights should be and dimmed to 50% until sunrise.


I want to make sure that if one of my kids touches any of those 6 lights between 8PM and sunrise the next day, the scene will reset itself.


Your idea will probably work in this situation as we are only dealing with 6 switches. But, if I said that I had a scene which controlled 50 switches and wanted to make sure the scene was always active during a specific time period (regardless of switches touched), it would get much more complicated.


So I am wondering if there is any way to activate a scene for a specific time period and make sure that scene remains active the whole time. The only thing I can see is the repeat function for X hours. I guess I can do it ever minute if needed but I wonder if shooting out that many commands will cause any other problems.



So I am wondering if there is any way to activate a scene for a specific time period and make sure that scene remains active the whole time.


There may be another option to consider, as well. The scenerio you describe basically eliminates local control of such a scene. In effect, you want a scene that comes on at a certain time, goes off at a certain time, and cannot be changed by light switches (unfortunately, I am unaware of a way to recognize adult fingers versus those of a child).


What about modifying your current scene to make all included devices as responders (no controllers)? In my mind, such a scene would have no use for switches, so take those out of your scene. (Or you could leave them in as responders to give the kids something to play with.) Of course, there would be no way for adults to turn this scene on and off, except through the ISY.


If that limitation is too great, you might consider adding a KPL in an enclosure and keep it hidden from curious minds. Use one of the buttons in the KPL as a scene controller should you ever desire to manually control the scene.


There also are likely programmatic options (perhaps using program folders) to give local control between sunrise and 8pm then eliminate local control between 8p and sunrise. For example, get rid of your current scene. Then, create a program folder with the condition:


from sunrise to 8p


In that folder, create a program:


control 'light bath light switch' is turned on
control 'hall light switch' is turned on

set 'hall light' at 100%



Add a second program in the folder:


control 'light bath light switch' is turned off
control 'hall light switch' is turned off

set 'hall light' off



Create a third program that turns the hall light on at 8p and off at dawn. This program would be outside the folder.


None of your control conditions could include the switch that actually controls the load. I am unaware of any way to disable the ability to locally control a load of a device where the load is connected. The only option that I can think of here would be to use an inline linc.


One other thing that interests me in your scenerio...have you considered having your lights come on based on sunset, rather than at a fixed time? More sophisticated users even have lights come on based on interior or exterior light levels (measure by motion sensors or weatherbug). I don't know where you live, but in my area, the house can be pretty dark at 5p some times of the year, and pretty light at 9p other times of the year.


I've already made this post too complicated I fear, so I will stop.


Thanks for the tips. Since there is no real way to disable a load switch during a specific time period, I am back to my original thought which is to use the repeat command in the program. Do you think there is a negative consequence of repeating every minute for 6 hours?

Do you think there is a negative consequence of repeating every minute for 6 hours?


I suppose in extreme cases, one may get too much insteon traffic, signal collisions, repeats, etc, but it does not sound like this would be a concern for you. The good news is that it sounds like your children will continue to be amused.


You don't need a program to keep resetting the scene every minute, you need programs that watch for the press of a switch.


When they see a switch press wait for a few minutes and then set the scene On again.


I use these for my outside lights. Since the lights are on timers no one should ever have to press a switch. If they do it is something unusual.


The Folder has the time constraints.

Folder Conditions for 'When Evening'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       From    Sunset  - 15 minutes
       To      11:00:00PM (same day)

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.


Switch On:

       Control 'Outside Lights / Backyard' is switched On
    Or Control 'Outside Lights / Backyard' is switched Fast On

       Set Scene 'Outside Lights' Fast On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Switch Off:

       Control 'Outside Lights / Backyard' is switched Off
    Or Control 'Outside Lights / Backyard' is switched Fast Off

       Set 'Outside Lights / Backyard' 40%
       Run Program 'All Off OL Eve' (Then Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


All Off OL Eve:

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set Scene 'OL Evening' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


These programs wait for the Control Off (we are adults here and have been subjected to the ruler on the knuckles experience) but you could add a Wait to the On program to trigger the Off program. Note that my Off program does not turn the lights Off but returns them to the previous state.




Thanks Chris, another great example!


I avoided the Fade and Bright commands with my programs so it won't be so difficult to override my programs for any one light. That way we can brighten/dim the Backyard without triggering the Return To Scene program for all the outside lights.


When we come back in I can press the Off which will activate a program to return all the Outside Lights to the desired scene for that time.




You could also base the program on the status of the light:


http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... highlight=

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