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ZMatter Zigbee not responding on Polisy

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The Zigbee menu says, "ZMatter Zigbee not responding," similar to @KeviNH's post.  However, unlike that post, I have a Polisy (not Eisy), I do not intend to use Z-Wave, and my ZMatter module is new and has never been used (whereas KeviNH appears to have had prior functionality and is using Z-Wave).

I attached the USB dongle and followed the instructions for Eisy (there are some "eisy/polisy" references that imply the instructions apply to both), but I cannot get it to work after a couple of days of troubleshooting. 

Before I go deeper into troubleshooting, should this even work via USB on Polisy?  Or, do I need to install the ZMatter board inside the enclosure (as shown here)?  

I am running IoX v.5.7.1 (2023-11-09-11:49:34). 

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3 hours ago, Techman said:

Did you check either the Zwave and/or the Zigbee boxes and then click on save? (see attached)

The Zmatter board will work with the external enclosure plugged into a USB port or it can be mounted internally.


Yes, the Zigbee option is ON.  In fact, when it’s not on, the Zigbee menu doesn’t show up in the Admin Console. Likewise with the Z-Wave option and menu.

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Update:  I just purchased a new USB extension cable and replaced the first one I was using.  Now the Zmatter dongle is discovered and the Zigbee menu is populated! :)  Yay.  It was a bad cable.  (There is no room on the back of my Polisy to attach the dongle directly due to the power connector and the USB to my PLM.)

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Try removing power from the Polisy for about 30 seconds then boot it up. Does it now recognize the zmatter board?

Update: just saw you last post. Glad to hear it was just the cable. It's probably best to use a cable rather than connecting it directly as it puts less strain on the USB port.

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3 minutes ago, Techman said:

Try removing power from the Polisy for about 30 seconds then boot it up. Does it now recognize the zmatter board?


Yes, now that I have a working USB cable.  Thanks!

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