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Would like to use the node server and starting planning

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@macjeff, it appears you may be the only user of this node server.  Are there any other users and or the node server developer @automationgeek

Is the node server working well?  Do you need a puck as an interface/bridge if you would only be controlling the vents from the eISY?  From Flair site it appears so but want to confirm its usage with node server.  Saw one mention of setting puck in gateway mode.  I don't want it sending its own signals just relaying what I would send from eISY.  


For a first use case I have a media closet that gets warm so I want to open for air conditioning in warmer months but close the vent in winter as equipment has enough heat of its own.  I do this now with a calendar reminder to open and close vent in spring and fall.  Was thinking this use case could be a test to determine if I'd expand it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure that you'll need a puck and you can't establish local control because this NS uses the Flair API (you have to contact them for credentials). The Flair system is really good at balancing temps around the house (my basement was always freezing before Flair). It would keep trying to balance your media closet when you don't want it to, so you would need local control of your vent instead of letting Flair do it. Unless you added a puck and kept the temp manually jacked in one direction or the other. 

I've been using the Flair NS for a year or so now and it's reasonably reliable for controlling the vents, not much else though. Status reporting almost never stays in sync. So Flair doesn't always know when ISY opens or closes a vent and vice versa. I don't use it for much other than closing a any vents located by a door if the door has been left open. I have a panty vent that I open in the spring and close in the fall, but I do it through the Flair app, just because that's what I've always done (which is a pain but for a thread in a Flair forum not here). I would try and see if I can get my ISY to close it every time Flair opens it, but the status being out of sync is an issue there.  

Overall, I think the Flair system is awesome, just won't do much with this unsupported NS. For your media closet, I'd recommend you use a dumb motorized vent or inline damper and connect one of those to a relay device for ISY control. 




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Thanks. I had a Zwave vent for a few years that worked great but the vent zwave board failed and I then found the company stopped producing and supporting vents.

Kept thinking someone would enter space with a product. I’ve been considering inline damper or dumb vent but waiting to see if something else would develop. Guess not so they’re up to bat.

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