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Not Seeing Shades

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@GTench , had a busy/late day yesterday so I didn't get to a new version but did spend 10min on your logs.  For the scenes I do have a next step.  In the G2 api document I have they are saying that scenes are activated with a GET, which is different than G3 where all motion is with a PUT.  I will change that and let you know ; likely not until tonight.  Not currently sure why the other motion is not firing.  Likely something else subtle in the differences.  

Thanks for joining me in my debug cycle ; might have been faster for you to mail me your G2 for a couple of days.  lol.

take care


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@GTench took a quick peek ; will have to fix when I get home from work.


The good news: all is happening without internal errors.

Its now down to getting the api right.

I think I see the typos, I have been staring at this too long.

When they went to G3 they did a bunch of very small clean-up changes changing singular/plural and get/put and position stuff.  All good to clean it up ; so doing G2 after G3 is really messing with me, lol.


The scene activation is actually showing a good 200 response but is as you say not working:

 interface:_handleInput: PROCESS command message {'address': 'scene40299', 'cmd': 'ACTIVATE', 'query': {}} from Polyglot
2024-02-29 14:50:00,463 Command    udi_interface      DEBUG    Controller:get: Get from '' returned 200, response body '{"sceneIds":[12315,2048,41824,62186,34488,11179,50898.......

the url should have "scenes?sceneId" not "scenes?sceneid"


while the shade:

Controller:put: Put from '' returned 404, response body '{"message":"Not Found","error":{}}'

the url should be counterintuitively "shades" not "shade"


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@sjenkins did some more testing. Only two issues that I found.

1. Tilt does not work and tilt field in AC is blank. This is not an issue for me as only two shades have tilt capability and it is not something that is ever used.

2. As I mentioned before, if I click the close button the shade opens fully. If I click the open button, the shades closes fully

Scene activation and setting shade position both work well. Now I can get rid scenes if I want. They were only there because the cell phone app needed them


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@GTench  very good news!

1.  Can you tell me which shades it is?  Even better move those shades to 50% tilt open and send me the result from the browser, then close them in the direction you like (up/down) and send me it again.  With that I will have open (50%) and close, and will understand how G2 does it without a tilt variable.

2.  I was wondering when I first read the G2 api if this would be the case ; just wasn't sure.  Has to do with the difference in how they defined zero which is open in G3 but closed in G2 I believe.  Not a big deal to change now that it's verified. EDIT: pushed a fix for this

3. When you get rid of those scenes in the PowerView app. Do me a favour and goto the controller in the AC or go to the plugin at the polyglot V3 and hit the re-discover (AC) or discover (poly) button.  This should remove the non-exist scenes (or shades).  Then move a remaining scene or shade.  Id like to know that the scene is removed and everything else still works.  That was the feature add I worked on for version 0.1.3. Need someone to verify it works besides my own system. 

Edited by sjenkins
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@sjenkins When I installed the latest version, it said it was disconnected. When I tried to uninstall it, it failed with


I installed another copy of the plugin in another slot with the same result; so, now I have 2 disconnected version of the plugin. Thinking this might be a PGx issue I submitted a ticket


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I noticed that AC shows the shade as 100% open now when it is in fact fully closed (see pic). I am testing the foyer shade in the pic below. Clicked open in AC and shade opened all the way but primary shade position shows 0 in the AC. Set shade to 50% and clicked shade position. Shade is still open all the way but shows 50% in the AC. Set shade at 100% and clicked shade position and shade closed fully. I have not tried the tilt because setting the shade posion at intermediary values now seems to just fully open or close the shade












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Just tried the 45% position and that worked. Might have done something wrong before. Set tilt at 100 and clicked set shade position. Nothing happened. Then clicked open and shaded open all the way. Clicked close and shade closed but still no tilt. Clicked tilt open but not tilt. Clicked tilt closed but no tilt





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Interesting. If I set shade position to 15%, it opens to 85%. If I set shade position to 85%, it opens to 15%. Looks like flipping the open/close also flipped the positioning

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So I may need some direction here what makes sense for you in this.

Positions in G3 work like this, 100 is 100% closed.  The actual numbers are 0-1 with 0.5 50% open and 1 being closed.

G2 are 0-65535 with 0 being closed and 65535 being open.

As you know I am using 1-100 with 100 being closed ; like G3 for the input of shade position.

to 'fix' the G2 I modified the translation routines which do the move from float to int and back for G3 to handle the 6555.

the latest change just reversed the 'polarity' of the G2.

All that to ask, "How would you like it to work?"


On the subject of tilt.  Can you try 50% in the secondary parameter for a shade which takes tilt?  Also let me know which ones in your set (I have your data), those are.  I can do something with that.  Currently nothing will happen in tilt for the G2 as it doesn't exist in the positions array.  My thesis is they use the secondary for it.



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I can live with either convention but if it is not inconvenient I would prefer 100% to mean fully open and for the open button to fully open the shade to 100% . I have a few Zwave shades as well and that is their convention. But if you want to stay consistent with G3, that's ok by me since I will be using a program to control them. I will try the tilt now and get back to you

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@GTench I think I have it straight on open = 100 for G2, and the buttons should do what you want.

Give it a try to verify.

Tilt is going to take a bit more research.

could you put a shade to 50% tilt for me using the PowerView app.

then do below in a browser, copy it & let me know which shade it is.


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@sjenkins Tested open/close and shade positioning and they work fine. I used powerview app to set vanes for foyer shade. I originally had the shade open to 60% via your plugin. I then went to the powerview app and adjusted the vanes. Powerview app closed the blinds then adjusted the vanes once in closed position. I noticed the AC says the blinds are at 31% even after a query. Is this possibly the vane position now.?. In order to get the shade partially open with vane tilt I might have to create a scene. I also noticed with the shade closed and vanes tilted, the shade does not respond to plugin commands.image.thumb.png.c94997f5fa3350a6162980a3275e0b31.png




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@sjenkins So I set the vanes to another opening using the powerview app and I got a new value of 41 reported as primary and shade position in AC. I does look like tilt is being reported to the primary field. Plugin still not able to change shade position if shade has non zero tilt. I closed the tilt on the vanes using powerview app tried open and close in the powerview app and that worked. Then tried setting position again in your plugin and that now works well as before

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Did some more testing with the powerview app. Looks like I can only set the vane tilt when the shade is fully closed which I guess makes sense given their mechanical construction. If I try to create a scene in the powerview app it will only allow the shade to be fully closed if vanes are open to any degree. I might have known this at the time that I purchased them but it was so long ago that I forgot

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@GTench  So here is the decoder ring:

      "id": 21564,
      "type": 23,
      "batteryStatus": 3,
      "batteryStrength": 167,
      "roomId": 35121,
      "name": "Rm95ZXI=",
      "positions": {
        "posKind1": 3,
        "position1": 20538

The poKind1 field has a three in it.

When it is primary it will have a one in it.

Like you say, makes sense for this kind of shade you can only use the tilt when it is fully extended closed.  And you cannot open the shade until you move the tilt back to its limits (I think you said zero).

Other kinds of shades you can tilt at any state.

You have given me enough to go to the next step.  I can populate the tilt field when the poKind1 is three.

btw: : G3 is much simpler to use.

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Also, I saw your back and forth on the plugin delete.

Here is how I do updates on plugins.

1. delete from the polyglot interface

2. install again from the poly store, then add back in the configuration.

You often do not even need to reload the Admin console.  Just if the nodes get messed up or you see the Link Management, Tools, and Help menu greyed out a bit.  Just means it is not talking to ISY at that point.

I almost never reboot the EISY box.  Very rare.  As mentioned I do this many many times a day.  In fact when I am using a local plugin from the developers menu I only need to stop/start the plugin (you won't be doing those for now).

Hope that helps


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@sjenkins thanks. Like I mentioned previously tilt is not a big deal for me ( I only have 2 shades with tilt capability - 6 without) but it might be important for others.

Being able to set shade position and open/close is really nice now with your plugin - thanks. Previously I had to set scenes for each position that I wanted then use REST and there is no feedback using this. I also appreciate seeing the battery level so I can write scripts now to notify me when it is low. Previously I had to depend on checking in the Powerview app which I only did very infrequently. On a recent trip, came home to find a shade stuck open because the battery was too low.

I will try the other test you asked for when I delete some of these scenes

The delete/reboot/install/reboot I had been doing because I had needed to do this, if I recall, in earlier versions of PGx and I new this always worked. I will try the simpler approach next time

1 hour ago, sjenkins said:

btw: : G3 is much simpler to use.

Likely why hunter douglas updated to G3. I would have considered updating to G3 if it was just a matter of updating shade firmware and buying a new hub but I am not going to replace all the functioning shades themselves just to get G3. Doesn't make economical sense to me. Kind of disappointing that hunter douglas does not provide a migration path though

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@GTench really glad the G2 additions are working for you.

My btw vent about G2/G3 was in no means suggesting you should update your shades for G3 ; these are very pricey blinds & my wife wants more!

So appreciate you working with me on this & hope you will stay with me a bit even if we are starting to get to the end of your use case.  Having someone who is willing to work with me is like gold since I only have the G3 shades.  My assumptions of the constraints & unknowns are as follows (this is as much for me as I write), I will write the next version based on adding tilt capability to G2; edit them as you like:

1. G2 uses PosKind1: 3 to indicate tilt.

2. The shade first has to be at bottom to use tilt

3. The shade has to be at zero tilt to move up

4. The shade has to be told #2 & #3 ; they do not happen on their own (unknown but indicated by your experiences ; can you put a scene which goes to bottom then a tilt?)

5. I will need to move the data to/from the tilt slot based on #1

6. Somehow need to either automate based on #4 (move down then tilt or tilt and move up ) or get a message to user if the shade is being asked to do something it cannot.  Otherwise open will not work & tilt will not work as understood.

Let me know if any of these assumptions are wrong or you have other preferences.  As first mover / tester you get first dibs!

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6 hours ago, sjenkins said:

My btw vent about G2/G3 was in no means suggesting you should update your shades for G3 ; these are very pricey blinds & my wife wants more!

No No I did not interpret it that way. I was just using the opportunity to vent against Hunter Douglas for not providing me an update path. My wife and I both like the shades but as you said very pricey.

On with the testing. I created 2 new scenes in powerview for Foyer shade - one with tilt about half and the other with full tilt (both with shade fully closed). I deleted one foyer scene in powerview - which was foyer shade half open.

I then did a discover in PGx3 and the new scenes showed up in AC but the deleted scene was still there. I tried re-discover in AC but no change. I tried activating each of the two new scenes and they both worked as they should. I then pushed close in the AC and the vanes closed. A restart also did not remove the deleted scene (40299) but a reinstall of the plugin did remove the deleted scene

Basically new scenes are picked up but deleted scenes are not being removed by the discover process

I believe your assumptions are correct and I cannot think of anything more to add... thanks


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