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HomePlug interference?

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A little off topic, but....Part of my job has now become to interface with Google on their PowerMeter application. And while many of the utilities will be using wireless Zigbee, Google appears to support HomePlug. So as this application takes off, it begs the question on interference. Does anyone have opinions or knowledge on HomePlug power line communication issues with Insteon?

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Hello jkraus,


May I humbly ask how you are interfacing with Google PowerMeter? We do currently have a fully Zigbee SEP solution which natively communicates with SmartGrid meters ...


Anyway, about 2 years ago, Brian Dipert at EDN did a test on both ... you might want to google "brian dipert homeplug insteon".


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,


I am not currently suing Google PowerMeter. Merely was a business question since I am now dealing directly with Google, I thought the forum would be good to get some opinions about HomePlug also, as it related to Insteon. So no problem here, but thanks

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