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Does one have to move to 4.0?

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Just wondering if one has to move to 4.0. From other posts I read here I got the sense things would still work for the foreseeable future using the current "professional API".

Assuming one isn't forced to move to keep things working, what is the value of moving to the new OneCall 3.0 API? Of course, I presume that v3 of the plug-in will no longer see fixes and updates but I figure there's still time before that becomes an issue. Is that a fair assessment or are there some issues coming on the short term horizon?

Also, I noticed when I went to subscribe to OneCall 3.0 API that it insists on my providing a credit card, even though I only want the free service and would want the service to stop working if some bug or accidental misconfiguration got introduced and the API got called more than 1000 times in one day. Is there a way around that I simply didn't see?



@johnnyt That's not really something that can be answered here.

My interpretation of the messaging sent out by OpenWeatherMap was that the older versions of the API were being discontinued and would stop working.  The only way forward was to migrate to the latest version of the API.

You can certainly continue to use the older version of the plug-in for as long as OpenWeatherMap allows it to work.

Yes, OpenWeatherMap now wants a credit card for the OneCall 3.0 plans, even if you never plan to exceed the free limits.  That's one of the reasons I was resisting switching the plug-in to use the OneCall 3.0 API.  But the message I got from OpenWeatherMap indicated that using the older API would not longer be an option.


We would like to inform you about our plans to complete the migration from One Call 2.5 to One Call 3.0 that started 2 years ago. In line with this, access to One Call 2.5 will be finally closed in June 2024. 





Wow. There's very confusing messaging going on. I read in other posts that the v3 plug-in is NOT using Onecall 2.5, which is the one that's end of life. It's using the free one from the "professional collections" offering. See circled item below in screenshot below



It certainly looks from "My Services" in my account that I'm using the professional API (limited to 60 calls per min).



Is this one coming of end of life any time soon?



Can you confirm (deny) whether previous posts explaining this are correct?


Yes, it is very confusing.  And again, I doubt anyone on this forum can answer your question since we don't work for OpenWeatherMap.

The plug-in has been using version 2.5 of the onecall API since sometime in 2020 (which was pre-PG3).      This version of the API does not work with API keys for the 3.0 version of the onecall API, however, it seemed to be working with API keys from the professional collections. 

Given the messaging from OpenWeatherMap, my assumption is that version 2.5 of the onecall API will cease working in June (for all/any API keys). 


Got this reply to a query I submitted at openoeathermap.org about using the professional API I already have with a service built using OneCall 2.5


Please note that while One Call API 2.5 will be deprecated, you are free to utilise the rest of the Free plan APIs with a limit of 60 calls/minute and 1,000,000 calls/month, including services like the Current Weather API and 3-hour Forecast 5 days.
Detailed information can be found here: https://openweathermap.org/full-price#current



Not really a direct answer.  

My interpretation of that is that the older versions of the plug-in will stop working when they turn off version 2.5 of the one call API. 

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