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Hunter Douglas shade plugin version 1.12.2 moved to Production

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**Moved to production

NOTE: These changes will only matter to the G3 crowd.  Both are minor improvements to stability & accuracy.  I will move to production after a few days assuming no other input from the crowd.

1. Had missed a shade-offline event before now.  I think because I added nine shades (14 total now, two gateways, all G3) and one of my gateways was moved halfway between rooms it started showing up the odd time.  Only noticed as my events array was not removing them.  Not passed on to the ISY, as I don't currently have a status indicator.  It is logged.error for now.

2. I use the PowerView scenes in my programs.  So I define them in PowerView and activate them in my ISY.  The odd time it looks like the plugin does not match the PowerView for scene activation.  I added to the longPoll an all check of the scenes activated ; this correction is kind of belt & suspenders to the event engine.  Additional bonus; this allows my ISY programs a chance to check that all happened the way they should too.


VERSION = '1.12.2'
DONE add shade-offline event handling to error log; currently not passed to ISY
DONE add updating of scene activation status on longPoll as backup to event

DONE environment updates
DONE small refactors

DONE change versioning to align with workflow
DONE update docs: README, versionHistory, logging

for previous version see versionHistory.md

Edited by sjenkins
No BETA issues, moved to production


The ability to do BONJOUR automatically is now possible (has been for a year in the interface, I just figured out how to use it).  This would allow you to put powerview-g3.local in your config instead of all the gateway IP addresses.  The program would still figure out which one is the master.  I will warn that it can take up to a minute on startup and I have seen instances of where it took longer.

Does this interest anyone?

I may still do it with the above caveats in the instructions.  Really just flushing out beta testers for the journey :) 

As usual, feedback is welcome!


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