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Polling error


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Just installed the plug-in (1.12.2). After startup completed, the eISY was correctly populated with my shades and scenes. However, no status or controls are available in admin console.  the PGx plug-in log shows the following errors :

2024-09-15 10:50:09.585 Thread-2707 (poll) udi_interface INFO Controller:getHomeG2: getHomeG2 gateway good, ['']
2024-09-15 10:50:09.667 Thread-2707 (poll) udi_interface INFO Controller:updateAllFromServerG2: rooms = [35548, 14454, 18230, 51882, 4711, 5942, 22692, 41649, 39979, 14194, 40449, 59435, 54655, 34988]
2024-09-15 10:50:09.762 Thread-2707 (poll) udi_interface INFO Controller:updateAllFromServerG2: shades = [53098, 10015, 53439, 13409]
2024-09-15 10:50:09.851 Thread-2707 (poll) udi_interface INFO Controller:updateAllFromServerG2: [59315, 46541, 3024, 46928, 50762, 41272, 1496, 22300, 1604, 27025]
2024-09-15 10:50:09.851 Thread-2707 (poll) udi_interface INFO Controller:updateAllFromServerG2: updateAllfromServerG2 = OK
2024-09-15 10:50:09.851 Thread-2707 (poll) udi_interface INFO Controller:poll: event(total) = [{'evt': 'home', 'shades': [53098, 10015, 53439, 13409], 'scenes': [59315, 46541, 3024, 46928, 50762, 41272, 1496, 22300, 1604, 27025]}]
2024-09-15 10:50:19.465 Thread-2738 (poll) udi_interface INFO Shade:events: shortPoll shade 53098 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.465 Thread-2739 (poll) udi_interface INFO Shade:events: shortPoll shade 10015 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.465 Thread-2740 (poll) udi_interface INFO Shade:events: shortPoll shade 53439 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.465 Thread-2741 (poll) udi_interface INFO Shade:events: shortPoll shade 13409 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.465 Thread-2742 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 59315 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.465 Thread-2743 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 46541 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.465 Thread-2744 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 3024 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.466 Thread-2745 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 46928 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.466 Thread-2746 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 50762 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.466 Thread-2747 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 41272 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.466 Thread-2748 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 1496 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.466 Thread-2749 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 22300 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.466 Thread-2750 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 1604 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.466 Thread-2751 (poll) udi_interface INFO Scene:events: shortPoll scene 27025 update
2024-09-15 10:50:19.467 Thread-2742 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 59315
2024-09-15 10:50:19.467 Thread-2743 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 46541
2024-09-15 10:50:19.467 Thread-2744 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 3024
2024-09-15 10:50:19.467 Thread-2745 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 46928
2024-09-15 10:50:19.467 Thread-2746 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 50762
2024-09-15 10:50:19.468 Thread-2747 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 41272
2024-09-15 10:50:19.468 Thread-2748 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 1496
2024-09-15 10:50:19.468 Thread-2749 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 22300
2024-09-15 10:50:19.468 Thread-2750 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 1604
2024-09-15 10:50:19.468 Thread-2751 (poll) udi_interface ERROR Scene:events: scene event error sid = 27025
This sequence repeats at every shortpoll interval. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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So, looks like you have one G2 gateway & it is good & it is finding a list of shades & scenes.

Your lists don't look quite right.

Do you really have 14 rooms in the app, with only 4 shades and 10 scenes?

So you either really have 14 rooms and the plugin is not finding all the shades/scenes or the app has a bunch of empty rooms which may be messing up the sifting of the arrays

I don't have a G2 so all my troubleshooting has been with a few users;  I need to ask some questions.

Can you look at what you have in the power view app and report back what's there.  Even feel free to delete rooms or scenes you are not using.

Let me know what are the numbers of rooms, which have what shades.  And the scenes you have.  Also if you are using the multi-room scene option (the scene spans rooms).



Edited by sjenkins
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