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Tempest Forcast node deletion...

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Can I just delete the "Forcast 0 - 9" nodes? I am not using "Forcast" and have not added it to the PG3 Node server but it still populates 10 "Forcast" nodes, all with no data and reporting in Centigrade not F?

For the record, I was an early adopter on Tempest on it's initial Kickstarter four years ago and have now replaced my fourth Tempest. They made me buy one because it was out of warranty by a month. (Not cool). I also do not like the haptic sensors for rain and wind and much prefer a real anemometer and tipping bucket.  I'm now looking at some higher end weather stations and not these "toy" stations like Acurite and LeCrosse although the fine people at WeatherFlow have a stellar reputation for professional grade weather monitoring, the Tempest is just quite ready for prime time.

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