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2.5 RC1: Program Summary Status operation has changed.


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The operation of the Program Summary Status has changed from the way it worked in 2.4.14. Previously, a little X10 status program such as


       X10 'D3/On (3)' is Received
    Or X10 'D3/Off (11)' is not Received

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

could show the last received D3 command -- True if On or False if Off -- in the Program Summary Status. I have one of these little state programs for each X10 device and this was useful in keeping track of X10 status. It helped me "simulate" the on/off info of the Main page for the X10 devices.


Now these programs no longer function in 2.5 RC1. Is this an intentional change or a bug?

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I'm not sure I understand the problem you are having. With this program, the status column in the Program Summary should change to 'True' when you press D3/On, and change to 'False' when you press 'D3/Off'.


If it is not doing so, please use the 'DBG 1' command to show the events in the java log.

(instructions here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=346)


If you are not seeing your X10 events in the log then you may need to restart your PLM.

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With this program, the status column in the Program Summary should change to 'True' when you press D3/On, and change to 'False' when you press 'D3/Off'.

That's just it. The status column does not change from False now. With 2.4.14, it would change between True and False as per your quote.


Java Console output from several D3 on/off cycles:


Using JRE version 1.6.0_02 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
2007/11/29 13:10:08 : [         X10] hc=D uc=3 cc=3
2007/11/29 13:10:12 : [         X10] hc=D uc=3 cc=11
2007/11/29 13:10:19 : [         X10] hc=D uc=3 cc=3
2007/11/29 13:10:22 : [         X10] hc=D uc=3 cc=11
2007/11/29 13:10:32 : [         X10] hc=D uc=3 cc=3
2007/11/29 13:10:35 : [         X10] hc=D uc=3 cc=11
2007/11/29 13:12:20 : [         X10] hc=D uc=3 cc=3
2007/11/29 13:12:24 : [         X10] hc=D uc=3 cc=11

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ALL of my programs show "true", even those that shouldn't, for example:


Folder Conditions for 'Security'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       From    Sunset 
       To      Sunrise (next day)

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.


It's not yet sunset and this says "True"

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OK I've figured out the problem!


All my X10 status programs were in a folder with the set condition "If QueryAll is true". One other folder had that conditon as well.


I see that the "QueryAll" isn't an offered conditional option for folders in this firmware version. Once I removed that conditional test from the folder, the programs report their status correctly.


Problem solved. So something had changed in the underlying logic code for the Status line.

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I created a folder based on your example, and it is working fine here.


You may be using a cached copy of the Admin Console; if you go: Help->About, it should show Insteon_UD v.2.5



ALL of my programs show "true", even those that shouldn't, for example:


Folder Conditions for 'Security'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       From    Sunset 
       To      Sunrise (next day)

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.


It's not yet sunset and this says "True"

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doh! Indeed, old GUI. You'd THINK I'd learn ;)


Off Topic, but the UD close page doesn't work with firefox like it does w/ IE. No big deal, I just close it manually. It might be nice to just add some text to that page that says something like "UDI Session Ended. You can close this window."



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