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Secheduled programs execution when sharing the same time

Mark Sanctuary

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So if I schedule lets say three seperate programs like this...


       From     3:00:00PM
       For      1 second

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Do they get cached and executed one after another?


What decides which one takes the first turn?


       From     3:00:00PM
       For      1 second

       Wait  90 minutes 
       Do something

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

If execution of the program takes longer than the one second, does it finish the program?



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Hi Mark,


Yes, the programs get cached. As soon as the first sees a Wait the next program will start. There is a Missed Schedule Grace Period on the Configuration panel in case the ISY is busy when a program is due to run.


AFAIK they run in order according to their ID. Usually this is the order they are created in. But new programs will take the ID of a deleted program. If you need a specific order add one second to the start time.


Your second example will quit after one second because of the Wait. A Repeat would make one loop.



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The thing I am trying to avoid is this, I have my irrigation schedule program setup to start at 11pm and run thru the night. The problem is if I don't have an end time and reboot the ISY it turns on the first station. Since I am the tinkering kind and from time to time reboot my ISY I really don't want the sprinklers coming on every time I reboot.


       On Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       From    11:30:00PM
       For      1 second
   And Program 'Auto Flag Rain In Past 36 Hours' is False
   And Program 'Auto Flag Temp Below 40' is False
   And Program 'Manual Flag Currently Running' is False

       Run Program 'Auto Run Drip Stations' (If)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

       Program 'Auto Flag Temp Above 90' is False

       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S4: Back Drip1 (Maples)' On
       Wait  60 minutes 
       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S5: Back Drip2 (Fruit Trees)' On
       Wait  60 minutes 
       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S6: Back Drip3 (Daylilly)' On
       Wait  60 minutes 
       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S8: Front Drip1' On
       Wait  60 minutes 
       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S8: Front Drip1' Off

       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S4: Back Drip1 (Maples)' On
       Wait  90 minutes 
       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S5: Back Drip2 (Fruit Trees)' On
       Wait  90 minutes 
       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S6: Back Drip3 (Daylilly)' On
       Wait  90 minutes 
       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S8: Front Drip1' On
       Wait  90 minutes 
       Set 'Outside Irrigation / S8: Front Drip1' Off

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