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Keeping a switch and a lamplinc in sync


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I have a Switchlinc switch which is a controller of a scene, and a Lamplinc module which is the responder in the scene. I use the switch to turn the lamp on and off, and the LEDs on the switch stay in sync with the lamp.


I'd like to keep the switch in sync with the lamp even if someone turns the lamp on manually. Could I make the Lamplink a controller of the same scene (as well as a responder), and ditto for the Switchlink, so that the switch would respond if the lamp were turned on? Or will that create some sort of infinite loop?


I also have a related question - once I set up a scene, how do I edit which devices are responders and controllers? I can delete the scene and start over, obviously, but I'd prefer to edit the scene if it is possible to do so.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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To keep two Insteon devices in sync they need to be Controllers of the Scene. They are cross linked as responders so no Responder definition is required. Not sure the ISY will allow that with a LampLinc as that device is normally considered a Responder only. LampLincs that were produced in the last few years do function as a Controller as well as a Responder.


When this question came up a few weeks ago I don't the results were posted back. If ISY will not allow the LampLinc to be a controller I think you can Remove the LampLinc device definition and add it back specifying it as a SwitchLinc Dimmer. If a newer LampLinc they function the same and use the same command codes. It is not a perfect solution to incorrectly define a device as something it is not but I believe it will work in this case .


I don't think you can edit/change the Controller/Responder definition. The type of link record is different between a Controller and Responder. Likely have to remove the device from the scene and then add it back.

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When defining the Scene simply make the SwitchLinc a Controller and the LampLinc a Controller. The cross-linking happens automatically without adding either device as a Responder. The ISY may not allow the LampLinc to be specified as a Controller.


Please post back whether you are able to define the LampLinc a Controller in the Scene. With this being the second time this question has come up it will likely come up again. Thanks

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Sorry to be dense, but I'm new at the ISY (I've worked mostly with Homeseer). When I create a new scene, I only have a choice of making each device a controller or a responder - I can't make each of the devices BOTH a controller and a responder.


So if I set up the scene as I think you suggested (making both devices Controllers), then neither one controls the other - I assume because neither one is defined as a Responder (in other words, there are no responders in the scene, so when the scene is triggered nothing happens).


If I set up the switch as a Controller, and the Lamplinc as the responder, then the switch controls the lamplink.


Any ideas how to get the lamplinc to also control the switch?

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I had the same question when I moved to the ISY. The ISY makes the actual Scene definition easier. Simple add both devices as Controllers. The ISY assumes the two devices are also Responders and writes the necessary link records to cross-link the devices. If the ISY will allow the LampLinc to be defined as a Controller (open question) then operating the SwitchLinc On/Off will turn On/Off the LampLinc and manually operating the LampLinc On/Off will turn the SwitchLinc On/Off. Just as if you had defined 4 link records as the ISY writes them automatically.


If the ISY will not allow the LampLinc to be added to the Scene as a Controller they only way I know to make it work is to Remove the Lamplinc device definition from the ISY and add it back as a SwitchLinc. A SwitchLinc functions as a Controller and a Responder. The newer LampLincs function as a Controller and a Reponder.

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Sorry, I was doing something wrong - when I set up the scene correctly (with both the Switchlinc and the Lamplinc as Controllers) it works perfectly, just like you said. Each one controls the other - so if a person manually turns on the lamp, the Switchlinc turns on. Pretty cool ...


Thanks for your help.

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