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Setting "OFF" to 10% or Less


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I want to be able to not completely turn a Christmas tree off. 1-3% would be perfect. 10% I'd settle for.


There are some logisticals reasons why I would want this to work.


Currently, this is my program:


       Control 'Master Bedroom KeyLinc C' is not switched On
      |     Status  'Master Bedroom Christmas Tree' < 30%
      |  Or Status  'Master Bedroom Christmas Tree' is not On

       Set 'Master Bedroom Christmas Tree' 10%

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Is there a better way to accomplish this?


Also while we're at it, is there any way to control the OFF ramp rate using ISY? I do not want to set the local control for the slow ramp rate.



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Thanks. I knew I was missing the simple approach. I'm a newbie here and just getting into it. The problem...as you well know...is the deeper you get, the more you realized what you don't know.



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