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Smarthome or Smartlabs for warranty as HD says use the MFG w

Guest Digger

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I tried to exchange some switches for paddle problems and SH says go to HD who says go to SH who basically wont help........... again..............


SO who really grants the warranty. Even the ones you buy from HD say Smarthome not Smartlabs. Yet SH says they are only the distributor. SO they sell to HD that sells to me? If so I am the original consumer and SH should honor the warranty.


[David] Is SH Swapping the keypadlincs with the older firmware for the V1.5 firmware with the bug fixes?

[Tim] Hello! How can I help you today?

[David] Is SH Swapping the keypadlincs with the older firmware for the V1.5 firmware with the bug fixes?

[Tim] Hello! How can I help you today?


[Tim] There were no issues with the older firm ware. There are no upgrades.

[David] According to Trevor the firware release fixed a few bugs

[Tim] There are currently there are no upgrades. Its like buying an 2007 car, when the 2008 come out they car company doesn't upgrade you.

[David] Ok is SH excahging the switches with teh bad paddles?

[Tim] If the unit is defective we are more then happy to exchange the units for you

[David] If so may I have an RMA number

[Tim] If you are experience issues with paddles we will exchange them

[Tim] what is your order or customer number?

[David] I have purchased many switches over the past 19 months from SH and other places

[David] Can you use my email address to find my account

[David] and I have many switches that are bad....

[David] unfortunately

[David] I have 4 in front of me we could stat with and a box of 15 or 20 in the garage

[David] we can do those another time if you want

[Tim] what is your email address?

[David] dwXXXXXX1@optonline.net

[Tim] let me check for you

[David] ok

[David] thank you

[David] as far as defective keypads I have older ones that have the flickering lights.... those were exchanged in the past I have seen

[David] not all have that only 3 or 4

[Tim] how many switches are having the issue?

[David] 4 in front of me and a box burried in the garage I pulled out in June before the paddles were fixed by SH

[David] the box has a bunch

[David] I can try and find it quick and count them

[Tim] So exactly how many switch should i issue the rma for?

[David] if you can give me a min or so I will count them and tell you the types if you need that

[David] do you need the addresses?

[David] It looks like 15 various switchlinc relays and dimmers (a few are icons)

[David] not sure if you agree the flickering lights on the keypads are a "defect" but I thought that SH exchanged them also

[David] and I have one keypadlinc that has the upper right LED as dead out of the box

[David] do you need the address's etc?

[David] flickeringlights I mean that the led's on the keypads themselves flicker with the insteon trafic on the network

[David] just the older ones do that

[Tim] if you need an rma i would need to know exactly how many of which switch. otherwise if i issue am rma for something other then you have you switches will sit in the problem returns

[David] How about this... can you give me an email address for you (since you know the whole story) and I can email you a very specific list of address, type, problems etc

[David] if you agree to do me a favor and email me back the RMA number in 2 hours or so

[David] so I can ship these out to you today

[Tim] well you can send your request through our help desk or you can call in 800 762 7846

[David] been there and done that months ago and got nowhere

[David] or you can wait two minutes as I count them for you

[Tim] not a problem. The me know the model number and how many of each. also i need to know what is the issue with the switch

[David] ok no prob

[David] Icon relays 4 with paddle

[David] Icon dimmers 1 with paddle

[David] Switchlinc V2 relay 1 with paddle

[David] switchlinc V2 dimmer 9 (7 with paddle and two are flaky and dont link or respond to other devices)

[David] Keypadlinc 1 with dead upper right LED

[David] keypadlinc 3 or 4 with flickering LED's so make it 3 and I will worry about the 4th if it is 4 ok

[David] Done

[David] oopss... you needed models one sec

[David] Icon relays 2876S

[David] Icon dimmer 2876D

[Tim] i can work with what you gave me

[David] V2 relay 2476S

[David] V2 dimmers 2476D

[David] keypads are not handy as they are installed

[David] wait 2486D (I have some new in the box still

[Tim] I do not see any 2476D on your account

[David] I bought them various palces

[David] not sure what I bought where I have about 70 in total over 19 months

[Tim] you have to return the switches to the original place of purchase

[David] I dont know what I bought exactly where

[David] here we go again.... this is why I had a hard time last time

[David] I have TONS of stuff

[Tim] we can not exchange a switch with out an order

[David] if I remember correctly you are the only ones that make this stuff....

[David] since I am the original owner its covered under the written warratty

[Tim] SmartLabs makes the products

[David] so I have to RMA to them

[David] The boxes say Smarthome on them

[David] 2 year warranty

[Tim] SmartLabs says you have to go to the original place of purchase for any warranty issues. SmartHome is a disturber of SmartLab products

[David] I still have a bunch new in the box

[Tim] so you could have purchased the switches from another distributer

[David] yes I could have that is a true statement

[David] I did not write down what address swtich came from what distributor

[Tim] You would not need the address just the model numbers

[David] I was supposed to say address 01.37.A7 is home depot or SH and label each switch for futire reference

[David] thats crazy

[Tim] you just have to know what model "2476D" you bought from each vendor

[David] The box says SH

[David] I have a 2486D in a box in front of me that says Smarthome

[David] never installed

[David] I dont rememebr if I bought it from SH or elesewhere

[Tim] I show no records of 2486d on the account

[David] so if SH sells to HD

[Tim] i only see icon switches

[David] and HD sells to me

[Tim] you have to go to HD

[David] I bought tons of stuff from SH

[Tim] because we have no record of you buying the switch

[David] I know I bought more than Icons from SH

[Tim] but you have not bought 2476d or 2486d from us directly

[David] yes I have

[David] I got some from you if you look

[Tim] not under the account you gave me

[David] on 10% or 20% off sales

[David] I only buy on sale

[Tim] at this point you will want to call in to our 800 762-7846 during the week

[David] this is crazy the products are smarthome right on the label

[Tim] a supervisor will be able to further help you at that point

[David] so they came from you

[Tim] if you give me the order number you bought them from i can warranty the item for you

[David] I dont have all of the order number for the past year or so

[David] and I couldnot tell you wihich exact switch came on what receipt anyway since I did not write the address's down as I received them

[Tim] I'm sorry i can't return items with out an order number.

[Tim] you will want to call in to our 800 762-7846 during the week a supervisor will be able to further help you at that point


[David] look in february or march this year for the icons switches and dimmers

[David] a supervisor did not help me last time

[David] or the time before that

[Tim] Well this can not be resolved through chat. You will need to call in to our 800 762-7846 during the week a supervisor will be able to further help you at that point


[David] FOr a few minutes there I actually thought SH was going to stand behind the products for a change

[David] oh well live and learn the hard way yet again

[David] have a nice day

[Tim] we will be able to better help you if you call in to our 800 762-7846

[David] I have done that

[David] and emailed Jason Ponick

[David] and Ryan

[David] and Laurie

[David] and Wendy

[David] and always got the same story

[David] we are happy to have provided you with excellent service yet nothing ever was exchanged

[Tim] I'm sorry i can not help you. please call our 800 762-7846 during the week, a supervisor will be able to further help you at that point


[David] I understand you are doing your job and I am sure you are a nice guy... and so were tehy

[David] but the customer gets screwed in the end

[David] I have tried many times since feburary march 07 to get the paddles fixed

[David] and every time a new excuse

[Tim] I'm sorry i can no longer continue with this chat. please call our 800 762-7846 during the week.


This chat session has ended. Thanks for contacting us!


I wont say anything.... make your own conclusions

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Digger - I responded on AccessHA, but here it is again:


Yeah, Digger - I know you're going to take this as an attack, but seriously - get your stuff together before you contact them.


Get a list of devices & what the problem with each are. Find all the orders you can. If you don't have the actual paper invoices (which you should ALWAYS keep), then search through your emails and find order confirmations.


Start by RMAing what you have that's bad, and whatever items you can find an invoice/email invoice for. I don't think SmartHome cares about the addresses - I've never had them ask for any.


With whatever you have left, find invoices for and try to RMA them to the place of purchase (HD, other distributor, whatever). If they sold them to you, they should take them back. Many manufacturers, at least in the IT field, have specific deal with their resellers where returns MUST go through place of purchase. Seagate, for example, will not take a bad hard disk out of a Dell PC. You must go back to Dell. It sounds like SmartHome/SmartLabs have the same deal with their distributors.


Now, you and I know that SmartHome and SmartLabs have a unique relationship where even though one is the distributor and one is the manufacturer, they are in the end the same company. After you RMA what you can to SmartHome, and after you RMA what you can to other distributors, THEN call and talk to a supervisor and see what you can do about devices you purchased elsewhere and cannot return.


Tell them what the deal is. Distributor out of business, doesn't carry Insteon anymore, won't take them back for some other reason, etc.


Get your stuff together, and take it one step at a time. I find whenever dealing with ANY company for returns, warranty, tech support, etc. it pays to do your prep work in advance.


Don't be so random with the items and issues - write everything down, so you can tell them exactly what's wrong. Don't say "paddle issue". Say "Will not reliably respond to ON presses. I have to hit it 5 times, or press real hard. I swapped it with an other switch and the new switch works fine.". That's what they want to hear.


Tell them "Keypad flickers whenever any other Insteon switch is pressed in the house. I reset it to factory defaults, etc., and the problem still occurs. Swapped it out with another Keypad, and the new one works fine. I believe this was a past known issue."

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Digger - I responded on AccessHA, but here it is again:


Yeah, Digger - I know you're going to take this as an attack, but seriously - get your stuff together before you contact them.


Get a list of devices & what the problem with each are. Find all the orders you can. If you don't have the actual paper invoices (which you should ALWAYS keep), then search through your emails and find order confirmations.


Start by RMAing what you have that's bad, and whatever items you can find an invoice/email invoice for. I don't think SmartHome cares about the addresses - I've never had them ask for any.


With whatever you have left, find invoices for and try to RMA them to the place of purchase (HD, other distributor, whatever). If they sold them to you, they should take them back. Many manufacturers, at least in the IT field, have specific deal with their resellers where returns MUST go through place of purchase. Seagate, for example, will not take a bad hard disk out of a Dell PC. You must go back to Dell. It sounds like SmartHome/SmartLabs have the same deal with their distributors.


Now, you and I know that SmartHome and SmartLabs have a unique relationship where even though one is the distributor and one is the manufacturer, they are in the end the same company. After you RMA what you can to SmartHome, and after you RMA what you can to other distributors, THEN call and talk to a supervisor and see what you can do about devices you purchased elsewhere and cannot return.


Tell them what the deal is. Distributor out of business, doesn't carry Insteon anymore, won't take them back for some other reason, etc.


Get your stuff together, and take it one step at a time. I find whenever dealing with ANY company for returns, warranty, tech support, etc. it pays to do your prep work in advance.


Don't be so random with the items and issues - write everything down, so you can tell them exactly what's wrong. Don't say "paddle issue". Say "Will not reliably respond to ON presses. I have to hit it 5 times, or press real hard. I swapped it with an other switch and the new switch works fine.". That's what they want to hear.


Tell them "Keypad flickers whenever any other Insteon switch is pressed in the house. I reset it to factory defaults, etc., and the problem still occurs. Swapped it out with another Keypad, and the new one works fine. I believe this was a past known issue."


The fact that they same company makes it ridiculous for SH to say they are not the mfg. and that they wont honor the warranty since I bought it through a distributor.


They are playing they usual games to get around honroing their warranty. These are the same devices from 6 months ago they refused to honor the warranty on by making a million excuses.... (I ahve it all in writing) and they are just trying to frustrate me into giving up.


Well Mike.... you know I dont give up that easily and they just "pissed me off again". If they had honored the warranty I would have posted some pretty nice things about them. I thought guys like Trevor were turning the company around this time. MY MISTAKE!

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Digger, I truly feel bad for you, but get your stuff together if you're going to try and RMA it! The customer support rep doesn't want to hear "I don't know I have a box of stuff in the garage". He wants to know exactly what you want to RMA, exactly what the problem is, exactly what you did to troubleshoot. He's going to look in his system and see what orders he can find. If they're not on the account he finds for you, help things along by finding whatever invoices you can that he doesn't show in his system.


RMA that stuff first.


THEN look at what you've got left, and if you can't return them to the place of purchase, CALL and argue it out. But have all your receipts and all your stuff together.


This is the same conversation we had months ago. I'm trying to give you my best advice, but I can't return your switches for you.

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Digger, I truly feel bad for you, but get your stuff together if you're going to try and RMA it! The customer support rep doesn't want to hear "I don't know I have a box of stuff in the garage". He wants to know exactly what you want to RMA, exactly what the problem is, exactly what you did to troubleshoot. He's going to look in his system and see what orders he can find. If they're not on the account he finds for you, help things along by finding whatever invoices you can that he doesn't show in his system.


RMA that stuff first.


THEN look at what you've got left, and if you can't return them to the place of purchase, CALL and argue it out. But have all your receipts and all your stuff together.


This is the same conversation we had months ago. I'm trying to give you my best advice, but I can't return your switches for you.


If you read the conversation I offered to do the 4 in front of me first and worry about the others another time. Well he would not do that either.


AND they wont RMA the PLM saying I am SOL buy a new one (different conversation). Sooooo.....


I am using chat since you often say I am making up the fact that they wont honor the warranty. I can try one at a time and I bet they wont eiher. But I am making a case and have it all in writing.....


SO ok I will do one at a time and dig out the test fixture I made and buy a webcam and show them step by step how they do not work (like the video on YouTube) and they probably still wont honor the warranty.

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First of all - I'm not talking about the KPL or PLM, I have no idea what the policy is on that. I'm talking about your defective switches.


I'm not going to get into another argument with you. You think they are doing everything they can to not honor the warranty on your bad switches. To me, that chat log reads like you're doing everything you can to make them not issue you an RMA for the devices you purchased from them.


You can think what you'd like, but the fact is I've never heard of anyone having issues returning bad switches under warranty like you have. We went through this same thing months ago, and when I and others tried to give you advice you didn't listen.


Now you're back to the same point again, and again you don't want to listen to what anyone has to say.


This is my last post on this topic.

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