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Weatherbug data through to HomeSeer?


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Can anyone confirm/deny that numeric weatherbug data from the ISY ends up as the device value in the matching HomeSeer devices? Also, does the device string include the unit of measure, e.g. "0 mm".


Newbie Q: It doesn't look like I can "try before I buy" the weatherbug module (or any, for that matter). Did I just miss where/how to do that?

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Can anyone confirm/deny that numeric weatherbug data from the ISY ends up as the device value in the matching HomeSeer devices? Also, does the device string include the unit of measure, e.g. "0 mm".


Newbie Q: It doesn't look like I can "try before I buy" the weatherbug module (or any, for that matter). Did I just miss where/how to do that?


The ISY plug-in in HomeSeer doesn't create separate devices for the weatherbug values. It currently just creates 1 device for the module. The device string contains the current temperature value and unit so mine currently has "60.8 F" in the device string.


The individual weatherbug values are accessible to HomeSeer scripts and can be used in conditions/triggers. There is also a plug-in status page that shows all the individual values, you can see an example of that on my web page for the plug-in http://www.bobsplace.com/ISYInsteon/


You're the second person to ask about individual HomeSeer devices for the weatherbug data. So it will very likely end up as a feature of a future version.

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