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Long Press Problem when a 2486DWH8 and 2476S are linked

Robert Messenger

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I have found that when linking the buttons of a 2486DXX8 to a 2476S the buttons do not work when the key button press is longer that a second or fraction thereof. No matter how many times it's "long pressed" it will not work. If the keypad button is touched quickly it always works.


First, My problem is that the keypad has to be brown and the LED behind cannot be seen. The end user always seems to press too long. I noticed the new software 2.8.2 has support for a 2486SWH8 though not found on the Smarthome website.


Second, It is a real problem for me since all the buttons are programmed to equipment and waterfall pumps. The event log status shows a "255" each time the button is pushed rather turning off or "0".



1. Is this a new product that's release is anticipated?

2. Is it a firmware update to a 2486DWH8?

3. Will it solve the problem?


Any help would be appreciated.

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That's the correct behavior. Insteon devices use the same buttons to send on and bright messages and the same buttons to send off and dim messages. If you press and release a controller button you send the ON or OFF; if you hold a controller button, you send sequential BRIGHT or DIM messages. If you tap a button quickly twice, you send a FAST ON or FAST OFF message. If you hold it down for ten seconds, you enter Linking or Unlinking mode.


These features are standard across the Insteon line, if you create scenes with an Insteon device linked as controller that's how it will behave.


That said, you *could* remove the button as the scene controller and emulate the behavior you want using ISY programs. IF (keypadlinc button) control becomes BRIGHT or (keypadlinc button) control becomes ON then turn on scene x else no action; IF (keypadlinc button) control becomes DIM or (keypadlinc button) control becomes OFF then turn off scene x else no action.

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Thanks for the good info and a quick reply!


I have all eight buttons of two keypads (as controllers) linked to eight 2476S(s) (responders) in eight scenes.


Would you think it best to:

1. Create an ISY program for each button for just one of the keypads (8 isy programs for ON + 8 isy programs for OFF)?

2. Use the "OR" statement and include both buttons on each of the keypads (8 isy programs with both buttons)?



I am assuming the keypads buttons would be re-programmed as responders to turn the LEDs off with the scene.

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