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KPL buttons as controllers and responders in ISY scenes


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Would just like to check something that's giving me a little grief and doesn't seem quite right (although I assume there's a good reason for it)


From what I've observed and read in a few posts it looks like I need to create separate scenes and programs in order to manage grouped mutually exclusive KPL secondary buttons that are called by ISY rather than a KPL controller button.


When I create a scene in ISY with 3 secondary buttons as controllers, the parent (ISY) scene does not allow me to control the ON level for any of the 3 buttons, yet each of the buttons themselves allows me to set the ON level of the other 2 buttons, which I set to 0/Off to make the mutex work on the kpl.


So if I press any of the 3 buttons the button lights up, the scene activates and the other buttons turn off if on. However, if I use ISY to activate the scene, while the loads do what they're supposed to none of the buttons do what they're supposed to.


From what I can tell I need to create parallel ISY scenes that have the secondary buttons as responders and write some programs to manage the mutual exclusion. Is that right?


Could ISY (or is it a KPL h/w issue?) not talk to KPL secondary buttons as responders and allow me to set their On levels when they are controllers the way both ISY and KPL allow that to happen internally within the KPL?


I guess before I filed this as a feature request I wanted to see if there was something I was missing.

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The mutex capability of the KPL applies only when a button is pressed on the KPL. The KPL firmware does not apply the mutex relationship for commands sent to the KPL from a different controller (the ISY in this case).


Also the technique of using an On command to turn a device Off by setting the Bright level to 0 does not work for Secondary KPL buttons. Again, a limitation of the KPL firmware.


To turn a Secondary KPL button Off you have to have that button as a Responder to a Scene and turn the Scene Off.

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