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IOLinc not working in scenes


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I have a new IOLinc that I just added to my ISY. I am only using the relay outputs. It will not respond to scene commands. I built a test scene with only the IOLinc in it. If I turn the IOLinc on and then turn the scene off the ISY thinks the IOLinc is off, but a query shows it still on (which in reality it is). The reverse condition is also true.


I factory reset this device before adding it. Anyone else have this problem?


IOLinc V.36 ISY 99i V2.8.2

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Wow! Solved my own problem. I did not realize that IOLincs could have on levels in scenes. If the slider is at 100% the IOLinc will work as expected. If the slider is at 0% it will work exactly opposite as expected.


So turning a scene off can actually turn an IOLinc on in this case. This will come in handy.


I found that when I created a new test scene and put 4 IOLinc Relays in there they all defaulted to 0 on the slider. It took some trial and error to find that they were in fact responding to the scene commands but turning off when I issued an on scene command.


While this is very cool, the status of the Relay will be backwards if you do this. The ISY will report the condition as off when really the relay is on and vice versa.

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When I turn the Scene On the IO Linc Relay turns Off. When I turn the Scene Off the IO Linc relay turns On. The Event Viewer shows the correct Scene On and Off commands are being issued. Do not know at this point why the relay is responding opposite to the Scene On/Off commands. Admin Console On/Off directly to relay work as expected. On button turns the relay On, Off button turns the relay Off.


Thanks for the second post. That explains the reverse behavior I was also seeing.

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