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ISY won't Arm Elk


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Hello Everyone,


I want to thank you all for the endless amount of information in this forum. Even though this is my first post, I have used this forum a tremendous amount for the past month.


I have the both ISY and Elk m1-g up and running, I can see the alarm status in ISY and elk rules as well as key pads will control insteon lights. My problem is that I cannot arm from the ISY, I can disarm every time, but have never gotten it to arm even once. The disarm works through the admin console or the web page, I can even disarm with my phone from anywhere, just cannot arm. I have updated all firmware to the latest official releases.


I have one other problem with the elk network module, I cannot get it to keep a notification email address. The module happily accepts everything else I put in, but an email address. When I send it to the control it disconnects, I wait for the reboot and when I hit receive the address is gone any other changes I make stay fine.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions you guys have!

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Hi Ophus,


Let's start from your second question: would you be kind enough to let me know what you mean by ELK/Network module? ISY does not have any notification capabilities for ELK.


As far as not being able to arm from Admin Console, I vaguely remember that you needed to upgrade your M1XEP to the latest level for firmware. Above and beyond this, and unfortunately so, we have not had this issue reported ever before. Sorry.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,



My apologies for using incorrect terminology and not putting more information in my original post. When I said network module, I meant M1XEP.


M1G Firmware 5.2.2

M1XEP Firmware 1.3.20

ISY Firmware 2.8.2


The M1XEP firmware was updated to what came out at the beginning of this month, the reason I did so is, that i could not get ISY to arm or disarm initial installation. This was even though it would show status of the elk and elk could control lighting through keypad or rules.


After my original post I did a little more testing. It seems that I cannot arm through the elk webpage that displays the virtual keypad either. This was functional before the firmware update. I was able to arm or disarm using the elk webpage, even though I could not arm or disarm with ISY. After the update I can disarm, but not arm with ISY or Elk webpage. This leads me to believe the problem is in the elk and not the ISY communication.


The second question really had nothing to do with the ISY, I just thought maybe one of the experts here might know. In the M1XEP I simply cannot get it to save an email address for notifications, it saves all other information I put in, but will not save an email.


Thank you so much for all of the help in getting this set up, it would have much tougher without this forum!


Best Regards,

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Hi Ophus,


In regards to the arming: In your ELK account, is the "Access" check box in the User details checked? If so, please uncheck that box and try arming from the ISY console. The newer release of M1G firmware changed the way the user code functioned. If the code was assigned as "access" and sent from a remote device it now mimics the operation as if the code was entered at a physical keypad. The intent of the "access" code is a code to be used to trigger a Rule.


I'll need to ask the M1XEP Engineer and get back to you about your email address question.



Don Lamb

ELK Products

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Hello Don,


Thank you so much for the reply, it works perfectly now! I hope your guys do come up with the email problem, I'm at a loss for that one too.


On a side note, my name is Lamb also, don't run into very many people with our name.


Thanks again for the help!


Best Regards,

John Lamb

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Glad that I could help. You're right, it is a surprise whenever I meet a new person with our name. Which isn't often.


The M1XEP Engineer suggests that you call ELK Technical Support about the problem you're having with the email set-up. The M1XEP firmware that you listed is the latest. This version allows you to open a debugging window in ELK-RP so that you can capture data and we'll be able to analyze the problem.



Don Lamb

ELK Products

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