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Outside timer


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I can set a timer for outside lights that come on at sunset - can you set the option to turn "off" that group of devices at say 11 PM within the same program or does that require a second program ?





You would typically use a separate program for the 'off', but you could put in a 'wait xx' and the do 'set off'. It would always track with sunset time, though.


I personally like to organize my scheduled events in one folder, then name the programs by the time they occur and put all of the events that occur at that time in that program. That way if I want to see everything that happens at 8 am for example, there is an 8 am program and all device events will be right there.


I'm not sure for what reasons some people use two programs to turn a device on and off, but my practice is to have an on and an off point within the program if possible. This is for two reasons:


1.) it keeps the program proliferation down and the total number of programs more manageable,


2.) and I typically name a program with a statement such as "Entry Lamp On" and then program status column will read true or false for that statement.


To answer your question, here is a program I use to activate an X10-controlled lamp:


       From    Sunset  - 45 minutes
       To      10:30:00PM (same day)

       Send X10 'C1/On (3)'

       Send X10 'C1/Off (11)'


Hey d_l -


Two questions for you (or anyone else).


1 - Wouldn't that program continually send that X10 on command during those times? What would make it only send the command once?


2 - What if someone turned that lamp off? Would this program turn it right back on during those times?




Yep, that's certainly a good way to do it. I haven't used else too much since it never really works the way I expect else to work and I haven't really delved into it.


That's one of the reasons I have time-based programs, to keep the total nr. of programs down and make it more manageable. I just group on's and off's at certain times under one program for that time. Makes it easier to follow the daily schedule also.

That's the great thing about ISY. There are many ways to accomplish the same task, depending on your preference!


Good question, Mike. I originally thought that a program like that would continually send X10 commands until I just simply tried experimenting with it. Apparently it only sends one command at the start and end of the time interval (I've logged X10 traffic as a check), and yes you are able turn off the device in the middle of the time interval.


jgraziano, it sounds like you have a time interval-centric or a scheduled organization to your programs. I'm pretty much organized as device-centric. I don't have that many devices to control :)



I can set a timer for outside lights that come on at sunset - can you set the option to turn "off" that group of devices at say 11 PM within the same program or does that require a second program ?







Yes, you can use one program, and that is really the intent of having 'From/To' time ranges.


Here is an example:



All programs are run based on events, such as button presses or a light coming on. In the case of Time, the events are when you enter a time range (Runs the 'Then'), and when you leave a time range (Runs the 'Else').

Awesome tips. Thanks guys!


Yeah, really. Thanks.


Sounds like 'else' is kind of a misnomer, doesn't it?


I'll have to play with that one. Didn't realize that's how it worked.


I have a Scene-follows-Scene mentality 8)


I prefer to only use On with my basic schedules. When it gets light enough outside I have a scene that sets those lights to Off. I use a Scene because then I can set the ramp rates.


I cycle through fours scenes on my outside lights:


I vary the start times and various switches can control them.



There are a few more than four scenes for my indoor lights, but the same logic is used :D




Great tips, I can easily see how to use two programs. What would be nice is if you could program:


If time = sunset

set low voltage to on:

if time = 11 PM

then set low voltage to off


Using a number of hours varies the "off" time, I would like to see it all in one program just to keep the number of entries down.

Great tips, I can easily see how to use two programs. What would be nice is if you could program:


If time = sunset

set low voltage to on:

if time = 11 PM

then set low voltage to off


Using a number of hours varies the "off" time, I would like to see it all in one program just to keep the number of entries down.


Here is the same thing in one program:

       From    Sunset 
       To      11:00:00PM (same day) 

       Set low voltage to on

       Set low voltage to off

Awesome tips. Thanks guys!


Yeah, really. Thanks.


Sounds like 'else' is kind of a misnomer, doesn't it?


I'll have to play with that one. Didn't realize that's how it worked.


It was difficult coming up with terms that match every situation, so we stayed with the common If/Then/Else.


You can think of 'Then' as 'Becomes True', and 'Else' as 'Becomes False'.


Thanks for the explanation Chris! I definitely understand it better now. Just have to get away from the 'else' from other programming lanuages.

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