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Device won't link!


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I just purchased an ISY-99i/IR (with the PLM + 1 access point) plus 3 Insteon dimmer devices. I am a long-time X10 user, and looking forward to migrating over to Insteon and greater control with the ISY. I am having some difficulties though:


I had no trouble linking and controlling 2 dimmer devices (2476DH and2486D) with the ISY, but have not been able to link the 3rd dimmer (2476D). The automatic linking that worked easily for the first 2 devices did not work at all for the 3rd (no error, nothing) so I tried the manual linking it (i.e. "New INSTEON device") and entering the address, but get back an error "Failed writing the Highwater mark" and "Node not added - failed removing links". The event log contains a message ""Failed getting engine version, reverting to i1", not sure if that is relevant. I have tried moving the ISY/PLM to another location. What is really odd is that all 3 dimmer devices are located side by side in the same electrical gang box, and 2 work but 1 doesn't, so it seems hard to believe that there is an interference problem. I even switched the problem dimmer with one that is working and it still doesn't work with the other device still works fine. I tried a factory reset on the device, but did not help. The LEDs seem to indicate that it is going into controller linking mode rather than linking as a responder when I hold down the button to link. Note that it works fine as a stand-alone dimmer but won't link to the ISY. Could this dimmer be faulty?


On an unrelated note: How do I unlink a device from the ISY? According to Insteon device doc, to unlink I need to put the controller into unlinking mode, but can't figure out how to do that in the ISY console.


Thanks for any help



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Hi Erik,


It certainly sounds like you have done all the tests on the switch. That is unusual for a new device.


To unlink a device from the ISY right-click it and select Remove.






I just purchased an ISY-99i/IR (with the PLM + 1 access point) plus 3 Insteon dimmer devices. I am a long-time X10 user, and looking forward to migrating over to Insteon and greater control with the ISY. I am having some difficulties though:


I had no trouble linking and controlling 2 dimmer devices (2476DH and2486D) with the ISY, but have not been able to link the 3rd dimmer (2476D). The automatic linking that worked easily for the first 2 devices did not work at all for the 3rd (no error, nothing) so I tried the manual linking it (i.e. "New INSTEON device") and entering the address, but get back an error "Failed writing the Highwater mark" and "Node not added - failed removing links". The event log contains a message ""Failed getting engine version, reverting to i1", not sure if that is relevant. I have tried moving the ISY/PLM to another location. What is really odd is that all 3 dimmer devices are located side by side in the same electrical gang box, and 2 work but 1 doesn't, so it seems hard to believe that there is an interference problem. I even switched the problem dimmer with one that is working and it still doesn't work with the other device still works fine. I tried a factory reset on the device, but did not help. The LEDs seem to indicate that it is going into controller linking mode rather than linking as a responder when I hold down the button to link. Note that it works fine as a stand-alone dimmer but won't link to the ISY. Could this dimmer be faulty?


On an unrelated note: How do I unlink a device from the ISY? According to Insteon device doc, to unlink I need to put the controller into unlinking mode, but can't figure out how to do that in the ISY console.


Thanks for any help



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