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Why is this scene being triggered?


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I've been having a weird issue over the past month or so where my outside lights turn off before the scheduled time. I finally had time to pull the log file tonight, and now I'm even more confused....


I have a program called "Nighttime All-Off" that looks like this:


    Time is 10:30:00PM
  Or Control 'MBR / MBR KPL - Night Off' is Switched Off

    Set Scene 'Daily Maintenance / Nightly All-Off' Off
    Wait 10 seconds
    Run Program 'X-10 Cupola Chandelier' (Else Path)
    Wait 5 seconds
    Run Program 'X-10 Mom's Office Light' (Else Path)

    - No Actions -


This is the ONLY program that references this scene (confirmed with a Find).


And now for the log entries:


Garage / Garage Motion - Sensor	Status	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:25:58 PM	System	Log
Scene:Entry Hall / Rear Entry Hall	On	255	Tue 2010/11/30 07:25:59 PM	Program	Log
Scene:Daily Maintenance / Nightly All-Off	Off	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:04 PM	Program	Log
Entry Hall / Rear Entry Hall Lights [Gar]	Status	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:04 PM	System	Log
Entry Hall / Rear Entry Hall Lights2 [Kit]	Status	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:04 PM	System	Log
Outside / Walkway Lights	Status	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:04 PM	System	Log
Garage / Garage Lights	Status	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:04 PM	System	Log
Entry Hall / Entry Hall KPL - Garage Lts	Status	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:04 PM	System	Log
Entry Hall / Entry Hall KPL - Walkway	Status	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:04 PM	System	Log
MBR / MBR KPL - Walkway	Status	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:04 PM	System	Log
2nd Floor LR / Upstrs Hall KPL - Walkway	Status	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:04 PM	System	Log
Scene:KPL Button Scenes / All Outside Buttons	Off	0	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:05 PM	Program	Log
X10	D4	 	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:13 PM	Program	Log
X10	D4	Off (11)	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:13 PM	Program	Log
X10	K1	 	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:19 PM	Program	Log
X10	K1	Off (11)	Tue 2010/11/30 07:26:19 PM	Program	Log


So...here's the question: Any ideas on what's causing 'Scene:Daily Maintenance / Nightly All-Off' to be triggered??




- Brian

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You are going to need more information Does it always occur 5 seconds after the program executed by the Garage motion detector? If so, we need to see the contents of that program.



Unfortunately it doesn't follow a pattern (i.e. 5 seconds after the garage motion sensor). But here's the contents of the program that ran at 07:25:59 (in response to the Garage Motion Sensor):


    Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Motion - Sensor' is On
  Or Status ' Garage / Garage Motion - Sensor' is On

    Set Scene 'Entry Hall / Rear Entry Hall' On

    Set Scene 'Entry Hall / Rear Entry Hall' Off


Just to make sure I'm reading the log right...it looks like the 'Nightly All Off' scene was called at 07:25:59 by a program. If the only program that has this scene is the "Nighttime All-Off" program, then this is the one that must have run. But - this program has only two triggers: (1) Time is 10:30:00 PM; and (2) Control 'MBR KPL - Night Off' is Switched On. But the log shows that neither are true...


Maybe I've been staring at this too long :-(


Thanks again for the help


- Brian

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No, I agree with your assesment. While the scene may not be referenced in another program, could another program be calling the THEN branch of this program?


EDIT: Yes, this makes the most sense, because it appears for the log entries that it is not just the scene 'Daily Maintenance / Nightly All-Off' that is being triggered but the entire THEN branch of the 'Nightime All - Off' program that is running.

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Good catch. I looked through my programs both manually and with the Find command looking for any references to 'Nighttime All-Off" but I can't find a single program that calls this one. I also don't remember programming this anywhere (although I've learned that's not always the most reliable).


Anyway - thanks again for the help.



- Brian

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