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Venstar T1800 / ISY / PLM issue


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I am seeing traffic every 4 seconds on my ISY network. It appears to be some communication issue between my Venstar T1800 and the ISY / PLM. Here is a snippet:


Mon 12/27/2010 01:06:15 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.22.FD 0D.FD.E8 07 70 21           (21)

Mon 12/27/2010 01:06:15 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.22.FD 0D.FD.E8 07 70 21           (21):  Process Message: failed

Mon 12/27/2010 01:06:20 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.22.FD 0D.FD.E8 07 70 21           (21)

Mon 12/27/2010 01:06:20 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.22.FD 0D.FD.E8 07 70 21           (21):  Process Message: failed

Mon 12/27/2010 01:06:24 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.22.FD 0D.FD.E8 07 70 21           (21)

Mon 12/27/2010 01:06:24 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.22.FD 0D.FD.E8 07 70 21           (21):  Process Message: failed

Mon 12/27/2010 01:06:28 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.22.FD 0D.FD.E8 07 70 21           (21)

Mon 12/27/2010 01:06:28 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.22.FD 0D.FD.E8 07 70 21           (21):  Process Message: failed


14.22.FD is the thermostat adapter, and 0D.FD.E8 is my PLM.


If I unplug the ISY thermostat adapter for a few seconds and reinsert, the problem ceases for a bit, then returns. I've also tried another thermostat adapter, but the problem persists. Any ideas?





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Do you have the humidity sensor installed? There are reported cases where the Venstar falsely reports humidity change when the humidity sensor is not installed because the circuit is floating. There is a fix posted on the Smarthome forum that shows which pair of humidity sensor connectors should be shorted to stop condition. Don't know if the 0x70 command the tstat adaptor is sending is reporting humidity.

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I found a post on the Smarthome forum that indicates the 0x70 command indicates a "mode change". That would have nothing to do with the humidity sensor I mentioned in my last post. Are the set points for Heat and Cool set far enough apart that the tstat is not cycling between heat and cool mode.



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I found a post on the Smarthome forum that indicates the 0x70 command indicates a "mode change". That would have nothing to do with the humidity sensor I mentioned in my last post. Are the set points for Heat and Cool set far enough apart that the tstat is not cycling between heat and cool mode.




Humidity sensor is installed, and not reporting changes in humidity coincident with these messages.


I use the ISY for my thermostat control, so the thermostat is set for Heat (non-program). The ISY changes setpoint based on time of day.


The problem seems to come and go - it isn't doing it at the moment, but I have no doubt it will return (you know what they say about problems that go away by themselves...).



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