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Appliance Linc send status


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It seems to me, some time ago I could cross-link an ApplianceLinc to a KeyPadLinc. By doing this, if I turned on the ApplianceLinc from its set button, it would light the corresponding light on the KeyPadLinc. Now, I notice in the ISY, that an ApplianceLinc cannot be configured as a controller.

Is there a program I could use that when I turn and ApplianceLinc on from its set button that it would turn on the linked light in its corresponding KPL? In other words I have button eight on my KPL linked to turn on my attic light, which is a fluorescent light plugged into an ApplianceLinc. If I'm already up in the attic, and decide I want to turn on the light, I just press the button on the ApplianceLinc. Them I go downstairs I noticed that the KPL corresponding light is not lit, and therefore I may forget to turn the light off.

I just want to know if there's a way, that when that ApplianceLinc is on, I can have a visual confirmation on my KPL.

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I suspect the answer to your question is no.


I understand that those devices that cannot be configured as controller in a scene are this way because they fail to transmit status updates. Based on this understanding, not only can you not use them as controllers in a scene, but you could not use them to trigger programs. I suspect that is why you don't see appliancelinc as one of the devices listed when you try to add a control or status to a program.

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Like the OutletLinc, the Icon Dimmer Module, the Icon On/Off Module, and the larger LampLincs, the ApplianceLinc is a responder only, not a controller. Responder-only devices don't send a control message if you used the on-device button or Local Control to change its state.


If you turn it on or off using a device linked through the ISY as a Controller to the outlet, then the ISY will update the status when it receives that control signal. If you are trying to track energy consumption and are concerned that users may try to 'cheat' the tracking by not using the linked controller, another option is to Query the outlet directly every few minutes for current status.

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