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Switching from KPL6 to KPL8 - can't see additional buttons


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Hi everybody!


I just switched existing and previously linked KPL from 6 to 8 button configuration and expected to see three additional buttons in ISY Admin Console as a result - but no new buttons/devices appeared. Here are the steps I've taken so far.

Pass 1:

1) Perform 6 to 8-button reconfiguration per Insteon instructions.

2) Put KPL into linking mode.

3) Initiate linking from ISY Admin interface.

Result: only 5 KPL buttons in GUI.


Pass 2:

1) Rest KPL to factory default.

2) Repeat steps from Pass 1.

Result: same, only 5 buttons available.


What I am doing wrong, or is it possible at all to force ISY to recognize new 8 button configuration for KPL?



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When you add the KeypadLinc specify the Device Type as an 8 button KeypadLinc (relay or dimmer as appropriate). The device Cat/Subcat value identifies it as a 6 button KPL because that is what it was manufactured as. Either the ISY does not check the current button configuration or that aspect of KPL configuration cannot be queried.

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Thanks LeeG!


I assume you are referring to "Link Management->New INSTEON Device" menu option as opposed to "Start Linking"? If so, what should I enter into the "Address" field of "New INSTEON Device" dialog box?


Thanks a lot for your help!

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Sorry, I should have included more detail. Yes, you are exactly right. In the New INSTEON Device popup, the Address field is the Insteon Address xx.yy.zz which is on a paper label on the front frame of the KPL or you can note the address that ISY is currently displaying for the KeypadLinc. Name is whatever you chose to uniquely identify the device, such as Living Room KPL or Master Bedroom, etc. The Device Type field is the KeypadLinc type that matches your 8 button configuration, reflecting whether it is a relay or dimmer KPL.

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