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2420M help


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I have a 2420M and have added it to my ISY. When I move, I see the ISY state on the sensor change from off to on but I never see it go back to off. I have no jumpers in place and the options from the ISY are set at 1 minute, 10 for LED brightness, and darkness sensitivity at 35. Why does it never go back to off? It's pointed at a direction where I know there is no movement. I can even place it face down on the table. If I press the set button, I can go back to off.


Please help me. I really want to use the motion sensor.

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I installed jumper 5 and change the ISY to .5 minutes. Then with it off, I covered it with a placemat and then the sensor went to on. There is no way it saw movement. After 30 seconds it was still on. Now it's been 3 minutes and hasn't gone off. Am I doing something wrong?

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When Jumper 5 is installed the only jumper that has an effect is Jumper 1 for sensitivity.


What ISY firmware level are you running?


The Set Options button should be displaying 6 functions that are software controllable. The On Only mode is one of these 6 options. If not on a later 2.8.x image, where full motion sensor option support was added, you'll need to move to 2.8.10 or remove Jumper 5 and use all hardware control of the motion sensor.

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Hi GregE,


I have seen Motion Sensors act according to your description (always ON). I have found that disconnecting the power for some time, 5 minutes or more, usually corrects that. Be aware that the power has to be connected again for at least 5 minutes before you will see reliable communications.


If that doesn't work you may have to ask Smarthome for a replacement.


The good news is that I haven't heard about many bad motion sensors so hopefully this is a one-off.




I have a 2420M and have added it to my ISY. When I move, I see the ISY state on the sensor change from off to on but I never see it go back to off. I have no jumpers in place and the options from the ISY are set at 1 minute, 10 for LED brightness, and darkness sensitivity at 35. Why does it never go back to off? It's pointed at a direction where I know there is no movement. I can even place it face down on the table. If I press the set button, I can go back to off.


Please help me. I really want to use the motion sensor.

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I went to the Help menu and then about and it shows v2.7.15. I just bought it and only have internet at the lake house from my phone so didn't look to see if there was a more current version. Guess I need to update my ISY since I only have 3 functions that are software controllable.


Where do I go to download updates? I looked on their website but didn't see it.

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Under “Current Release, Betas, and Bug Reports†the first topic covers 2.8.10. Be sure to follow the steps detailed in this topic. There are a few steps for 2.8.10 that have not been in earlier releases. Many folks are on 2.8.10. I cannot stress this point too strongly. Failure to follow all the steps in the order given has resulted in some odd failures, all associated with an install that did not work correctly.


Once you get to 2.8.10 the Set Options button will show the 6 options that are software controllable. The On Only mode is one of them. This option has to be checked for the motion sensor to send On and Off commands. Otherwise only On commands are sent. The effect of each option is explained alongside the option in the Set Options popup display.


EDIT: you can always go back to full hardware control (remove Jumper 5) if you want to stay on 2.7.15. The two pots on the V2 motion sensors adjust the timeout delay to Off command as well as the Dusk/Dawn level. Not as easy as software control but possible. There is an "Occupancy" mode that can only be established with software control.

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I have upgraded to 2.8.10 and now have the 6 functions. Went real good especially considering I had to connect to the internet some using my phone and then to my home network some to actually update it.


Currently On Only Mode and Night Mode are checked. Seems like Night Mode should be called something else since night only is when it is unchecked. lol Should I leave sensing mode unchecked?

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(Occupancy) Sensing mode, when checked, causes the motion sensor to send an On command any time motion is detected regardless of the timeout interval. When (Occupancy) Sensing mode is unchecked, the motion sensor sends the next On command when motion is detected, only after the timeout interval has expired. Normally this option is not checked. Not needed for normal motion detection and reduces battery drain by reducing the number of On commands sent from the motion sensor.


If your application wants to know when the area is “occupied†then On commands on any motion is appropriate (Occupancy Sensing mode checked).

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Try Rand’s suggestion of pulling the battery for several minutes. Be sure to wait several minutes after attaching battery before attempting any programming or motion tests.


Is there any chance the motion sensor that does not send an Off command had timed out of linking mode and did not get the time interval or On Only options set as desired. Might also check Jumper 5 to be sure the jumper is on both jumper 5 pins.


Coordinating the InLineLinc and Motion Sensor Off situation will probably require an ISY Program to achieve what you want. You can set the RF motion sensor to 5 minutes and it will send an Off command to the InLineLinc at the 5 minute mark. The problem with absolutes like this is what happens if the InLineLinc MS has turned the InLineLinc On 2 minutes after RF Motion Sensor signals motion. In this case the RF Motion Sensor with send an Off what amounts to 3 minutes after the InLineLinc motion sensor signaled On.


Just depends on what you want to live with. You may want a Program to monitor both the RF Motion Sensor and the InLineLinc so that the Program can generate an Off 5 minutes later than either On condition rather than a hard 5 minute Off from either the RF Motion Sensor or the InLineLinc motion sensor.

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