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Manually Stop a program temporarily, but continue after


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I have a pool pump that I have on a timer...


If Time 6:00AM

Then Set 'Pool pump' on

Wait 7 hours

Set 'Pool pump' off


That I think is fine although questioning if the 'from/to may make more sense... based on the scenario bellow.


Scenario: During those 7 hours, I may want to to turn off the pool pump because I don't want any noise... I have an 'isolation/flotation' tank where i turn off the refrigerator, pool pump and everything else for quietness sake... ( the reason I got into this ISY-99i by the way...



So, when I get into the tank I can manually turn off the pump, but after I am done 'floating' I want to turn on the pool pump again and turn off automatically within the 7 hours originally programmed... how can I do this?


The other option is to have the from to... but then again, if I manually turn it off, and then after the float turn it back on... will it turn off at the predetermed time set above?



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Personally, I would make one program to turn the pump On and another to turn it Off. Then if the ISY reboots for any reason the pump should still turn off.


How do you turn it off when you need quiet? You could use that as a trigger and then Wait 1 hour (or whatever) and then turn the pump back on. That would be a good use of the From - To schedule option as you could limit it to 6AM to 1PM.



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Thank you... I actually made these changes..



Pool Off:



From 1:15:00PM

To 5:55:00AM (same day)



Set 'Pool Pump' Off



Run Program 'Pool Pump Timer' (If)


Pool Pump Timer


From 6:00:00AM

To 1:00:00PM (same day)

And Program 'Pool off' is False



Set 'Pool Pump' On

Wait 7 hours

Set 'Pool Pump' Off



Run Program 'Pool off' (If)


Pool Fast On ( using the trigger fast on to kick the pool back to timer)



Control 'Pool Pump' is switched Fast On



Run Program 'Pool off' (If)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




Is that correct?


I will turn the pump off via the flotation scene that turns off the pool and the refrigerator at the same time. I never know how long I will be floating - it could be 45 min or 3 hours... and I don't want to limit my stay in the tank based on a timer...


But I would like to turn the pool back on via my Iphone /flotation scene and have the pool timer go back to its scheduled on/off


There is a green arrow on the Pool Fast on... what is that?


I also created a program to turn on the 'flotation pump' after I float and maybe use that to trigger the pool pump on (and right back off if not on its scheduled time) as well as the refrigerator..


I tried a simple test of a 'timer' with a 'fast on' and it did not work... what did I do wrong?


Here it is:


Flotation 7 min timer ( I made the then a 1 minute for testing purposes only .. it did not turn off)



Control 'Timer - Floation Room' is switched Fast On



Wait 1 minute

Set 'Timer - Floation Room' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')





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Hi Alberto,


I think you have it! A few small changes are noted below.


Thank you... I actually made these changes..



Pool Off:



From 1:15:00PM

To 5:55:00AM (same day)



Set 'Pool Pump' Off



Run Program 'Pool Pump Timer' (If)


This should work if the ISY is rebooted.

You don't need anything in the Else section here. That program already will run on it's own.




Pool Pump Timer


From 6:00:00AM

To 1:00:00PM (same day)

And Program 'Pool off' is False



Set 'Pool Pump' On

Wait 7 hours

Set 'Pool Pump' Off



Run Program 'Pool off' (If)


You don't need a Wait when you set the hours.


       From     6:00:00AM
       To       1:00:00PM (same day)
   And Program 'Pool off' is False

       Set 'Pool Pump' On

       Set 'Pool Pump' Off


Pool Fast On ( using the trigger fast on to kick the pool back to timer)



Control 'Pool Pump' is switched Fast On



Run Program 'Pool off' (If)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




Is that correct?


I will turn the pump off via the flotation scene that turns off the pool and the refrigerator at the same time. I never know how long I will be floating - it could be 45 min or 3 hours... and I don't want to limit my stay in the tank based on a timer...


But I would like to turn the pool back on via my Iphone /flotation scene and have the pool timer go back to its scheduled on/off


There is a green arrow on the Pool Fast on... what is that?


The program has not been saved. Use the Save Programs at the lower left of the Program Details panel.



I also created a program to turn on the 'flotation pump' after I float and maybe use that to trigger the pool pump on (and right back off if not on its scheduled time) as well as the refrigerator..


I tried a simple test of a 'timer' with a 'fast on' and it did not work... what did I do wrong?





Here it is:


Flotation 7 min timer ( I made the then a 1 minute for testing purposes only .. it did not turn off)



Control 'Timer - Floation Room' is switched Fast On



Wait 1 minute

Set 'Timer - Floation Room' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


This should work. Are you sure you are hitting FastOn?



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