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EzFlora communication Error

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I get a "failed communicating with" error when sending signals to my EzFlora module. It's my understanding that the Insteon network gets stronger as more modules are added, because each device amplifies the signal. If this is true, could adding a few LampLinc modules take care of the error I'm getting?

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It is true that each 120V Insteon device repeats messages.


I would suggest moving the EZFlora to the same plug point as the ISY PLM and see if you can communicate. The inability to communicate with a device can be the lack of 120V coupling (no Dual Band devices such as Access Points or not properly installed), interference at the device plug point such that Insteon signals are not being received, or just too are away.


What is your current configuration, how many devices, types, are all the other Insteon devices working, etc.



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I have about 20 devices currently. I'm experimenting with the Ezflora modules. I built a box with 16 24-volt light bulbs. 8 bulbs for each of the 2 ezflora modules. Each light represents a zone on my sprinker system. This way I can make programs and watch the lights to verify the results. I want to make sure the ezflora works consistently before i unhook my rainbird controller and replace it with the ezflora

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I was going to suggest direct commands if you had been using Scenes. Although not associated with an EZFlora or ISY, one user on another forum issues his commands twice to locations where his lights are not 100% reliable. He found that an easier solution than resolving his powerline problems. I don't agree with that approach. Unresolved powerline problems often come back and bit you.


Another area to look into is what is around the ISY PLM plug point. Often lots of computer equipment, a UPS is not uncommon. If the equipment is not already on a Smarthome FilterLinc, particularly a UPS, a diagnostic technique is to plug the PLM into an extension cord, plugging the extension cord into another circuit away from its existing plug point. That can indicate how much help a FilterLinc could be.



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