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Program that checks for failure and notifies


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As most of you that have followed my threads know, I'm having some problems with two lights. Since it appears that troubleshooting is not going to be quick or easy, I thought I'd at least get them working a different way. I've noticed that the lights respond more consistently when triggered outside of the scene, so my thought is to create a program that will check if the lights turned on when they were supposed to, and if not, to notify me and then turn them on individually. Below are the two programs that I came up with.


Exterior Sunset



Time is Sunset



Set Scene 'Exterior Lights Sunset' On

Wait 1 minute

Run Program 'Coach/Entrance Check if On' (If)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Coach/Entrance Check if On [disabled]



Status 'Outside House / Entrance Light' is Off

Or Status 'Outside House / Coach Lights' is Off



Send Notification to 'user' content 'frontlights'

Set 'Outside House / Entrance Light' On

Set 'Outside House / Coach Lights' On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Is this the right way to achieve my goals, or are there better solutions? I really like the idea of the notification, so that I can keep track of how many times the lights fail to respond.


- Julio

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