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Is status of SENSE line in 2475s available for programming?


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Hi, TIA,


I'm getting started in programming the ISY-99i. I have an in-linelinc w/sense with the sense (yellow) wire hooked to the output of a standard ac level outdoor motion sensor. The 2475s is working and turns on the lights (via a high current contactor) by following the ac level of the motion sensor output as expected, and I can turn the lights on and off with the kpl button. Here is the question:


Can I get the status of the sense wire and use it in a program? I can't just use the relay on state since it is also manually controlled via a button. I realize a program that flags the state of the relay going on without a key press a few seconds before would do this, but perhaps less effort is needed. Hunted around but did not see anything with my searching. TIA.


BTW I solved a problem with the in-linelinc w/sense 2475s and my motion sensor (RAB stealth, commercial grade). The MS in the off state had a slight leakage current that was just enough to pull the yellow sense wire point up above the 2475s turn on threshold. Smarthome tech said they had seen this a few times but gave a less good solution than mine. My 2475s had an open circuit resistance of about 250K yellow to white(neutral) fwiw. The motion out ac from the RAB at the yellow connection in the OFF state was 70 vac. It likely uses a TRIAC to achieve a very small size with a 500W load rating, rather than a relay. Using a 22K ohm resistor wired from the yellow/motion load point to neutral pulled the voltage down to between 2-3 vac which is low enough that the 2475s switches off properly now. I calculated that this resistor load is about 0.400 Watts RMS using a 0.6 load factor for ac when the MS is outputting 120 vac. Just in case I used a 2 W I had lying around (actually the only 22K I had around ). FWIW a 62K did not pull down the voltage enough. Hope this saves someone some time; I also told Smarthome as initially they told me the 2475s needed a true zero vac to shut off and I'd likely need an air gap relay (:-(. (feel free to move this paragraph to it's own message for better searching for the next person)


Could anyone point me to info on using the recent weather module enhancements of the latest ISY-99i firmware? I plan to start using the sunrise, sunset, rain, temp data to control outdoor lights and irrigation, but see most of the examples, info and discussions pre-date this firmware change. I'd like to start right.


cheers all

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Can I get the status of the sense wire and use it in a program?
The status of the inlinelinc can be used in a program. If the sense line is controlling the inlinelinc the inlinelinc status reflects the sense line. If the sense line has been overridden by a Fast On or Fast Off command the sense line can change state that is not reflected in the inlinelinc status.
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