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LED lighting Control


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Hi.. Not sure where to post this - Any help will be greatly appreciated - I have a Keypadlinc controlling an In-LineLinc with 4 Par 20 LED lights - The LED's are dimmable but start to flicker when dimmed past a certain point - Playing around in the ISY admin console I can set the LED's current state to 19 and the LED is stable - Anything below that and it will flicker - So I have a couple of questions :


What is Current State vs On Level - And 2 is there anyway to make it so that the KPL will only allow the In-LineLinc to dim down to the current state 19% level???


I know this sounds somewhat confusing - I'm learning that LED's are kinda tough to use...


Thanks for any and all help

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On level (applied locally) is the setting used when you walk up to the switch and tap the On button. The current setting is whatever level the dimmer is currently at.


There isn't a way to program a minimum level into a local dimmer. You could install an InLineLinc and use programs to limit which commands were passed along from the wall switch, but that would introduce a delay in commands. Your best bet would be to create a program that triggered any time the dimmer level went below your minimum set point and automatically adjusted it back to your desired minimum.

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