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How to Disable Sense Wire in In-Line Linc with ISY?


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I have numerous motion sensing floodlights that utilize the Insteon Inline Linc module with sense.


When motion is sensed the motion sensor output wire goes to 120 VAC. This wire, which is connected to the module's sense wire turns the module on for a period of time (defined by the setting on the motion sensor.) When this time period has elapsed, the module turns off again.


But, there are times when I want to turn the flood lights on manually (a party for instance) and NOT have the lights turn off automatically. I called Smarthome and they said that this wasn't possible. However, I came across the following article on the Smarthome site...


http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?tit ... e_Features


Please note the following excerpt...


Temporarily Disabling the Sense Wire

The Sense wire may be temporarily disabled, so that In-LineLinc will not automatically send INSTEON commands or control its load when it detects 120 Volts, regardless of change in sensor state.


For example, you may have motion sensors in the backyard. If you are working or entertaining outside, you can disable the Sense wire, thus keeping the lights on even when no motion is detected.


NOTE: The Sense wire can only be remotely disabled from an INSTEON Controller. You will not be able to temporarily disable the Sense wire by using the buttons on In-LineLinc itself. The following Controllers are capable of disabling the In-LineLinc Sense wire:






HouseLinc 2 (Use "Fast On" or "Fast Off" under direct control)

To temporarily disable the Sense wire, double-tap any button controlling In-LineLinc:


Double-tap ON to disable the Sense wire, but keep the load on

Double-tap OFF to disable the Sense wire, but keep the load off


To re-enable the Sense wire, simply tap any button controlling In-LineLinc, including the buttons on In-LineLinc itself.


I already have scenes for various floodlight combinations. How could I write a program and/or modify a scene to implement the feature described above?


I currently integrate with an ELK M1 Gold. I could remove all of the controller switches from the floodlight scene and then have the ELK detect the status of each controller. The ELK could then send the appropriate control to the floodlights. I am just looking for an easier way.


It would be cool if the ISY could integrate this feature.


Thanks for your suggestions.

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Would something like this work to turn the floodlights on manually?



Control 'Floods Carport' is switched On


Set 'Flood Man 1' Fast On

Repeat 1 times

Set 'Flood Man 2' Fast On

Repeat 1 times

Set 'Flood Craft' Fast On

Repeat 1 times

Set 'Flood Side' Fast On

Repeat 1 times


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Hi wharris,


Yes, FastOn should disable the sense, On will re-enable sense.


Any reason for Repeat 1 times? It won't do anything that wouldn't happen without it.




Would something like this work to turn the floodlights on manually?



Control 'Floods Carport' is switched On


Set 'Flood Man 1' Fast On

Repeat 1 times

Set 'Flood Man 2' Fast On

Repeat 1 times

Set 'Flood Craft' Fast On

Repeat 1 times

Set 'Flood Side' Fast On

Repeat 1 times


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If you already have the flood lights linked to an Insteon switch/KPL simply double tap switch/KPL to send a Fast On. It is the Fast On/Fast Off that overrides normal operation of the sense line.


As in your example the Fast On can be sent as the command to the specific device or as a Scene command.


Not sure why the Repeat. It should not be necessary.

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Sure. A KPL button in toggle mode toggles between Fast On and Fast Off with quick double taps, just as it toggles between On and Off with a single tap.


A double tap to a paddle always sends Fast On or Fast Off depending on which part of the paddle is taped


Tap speed is important. Too slow and two On or Off commands will be sent. If there is any question about which command is flowing the Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Device communications events selected show the command being issued. A Fast On is a 0x12 (versus 0x11 for On), a Fast Off is a 0x14 (versus 0x13 for Off). The annotation by the ISY as to command will also reflect an On/Off versus Fast On/Fast Off.


Tue 03/29/2011 02:02:30 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0B.4A.AD 00.00.07 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Tue 03/29/2011 02:02:36 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0B.4A.AD 00.00.07 CB 12 00 LTON-F (00)

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I currently have a scend named .Floods Carport. Four floods belong to this scene. They are all configured as responders.


I have two buttons on two different keypadlinc swiches configured as controllers for this scene.


I would like the keypadlinc buttons to manually control the floodlights. If I understand correctly I will need to do the following...


Remove all of the floods from the scene.

This would also unlink the keypadlinc buttons from the floods.

Now, the two keypadlinc buttons should remain in sync.

Then, write a program in the ISY to respond to one (does it matter which one) of the keypadlinc buttons.

When one of the buttons is on then a fast on would be sent to the specified floods. This would turn the floods on manually and disable the sense wire.

Write a program in the ISY to respond to the OFF command from one of the buttons on the keypadlinc. This would send a fastoff to the floods which would re-enable the sense wire and turn the floods off.


Is this correct or am I doing this the hard way?

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This is what I am going to try...


.Floods Carport scene has 4 floods (responders) and 2 keypadlinc keys (responders).


Program: Carport 1



Control 'E1d - Floods Carport' is switched On


Control 'Gb - Floods Carport' is switched On


Set Scene '.Floods Carport' Fast On



Program: Carport 0



Control 'E1d - Floods Carport' is switched Off


Control 'Gb - Floods Carport' is switched Off


Set Scene '.Floods Carport' Off

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