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OutletLinc misfunctioning

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I have a new problem with an outletlinc. For no apparent reason the outletlinc turns the load on. I check the log and nothing is being logged. When I send an off command to the outletlinc the load turns off, and it is logged. Within a half an hour the load turns back on by itself with nothing being logged.


The only thing new is I am using the beta 3.15 software, and a new PLM.


Any ideas?

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The OutletLinc has load sensing. If the current draw on the load increases the OutletLinc will interpret that as the manual switch on the load turning On and turns On the OutletLinc. This is NOT reported back to the ISY as the OutletLinc (like the ApplianceLinc) has no Controller capability. It cannot report turning On by load sensing. Try turning Off load sensing.

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Lee -


Will do. I need to check manual for instructions for turning off load sensing.


The only thing that does not make sense is that I have been using this outletlinc for about 3 years. I don't know why it would be sensing a load now, unless the lamp is going bad.

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Try a new bulb. I've not seen it reported about OutletLincs but LampLincs have been reported to turn On when bulbs were near end of life. Some years ago one user found a lose bulb that was causing a LampLinc to turn On from the vibration of walking past the Lamp.


Another possible cause is an X10 address being assigned to the OutLetLinc. Something generates enough noise that causes it to look like the X10 address.


Could also be the OutletLinc is just failing being 3 years old.


Is the OutletLinc being controlled by any Programs that may have been tweaked lately, not being triggered as expected. Using the Event Viewer would show that. If the OutletLinc is turning On uncommanded, either by load sensing or device failure, that would not show in the trace since the OutletLinc has no Controller function.



Disable Load Sensing


Press & hold the Set button on OutletLinc for 3 seconds

The OutletLinc Status LED will begin blinking


Double-tap the Set button on OutletLinc

The OutletLinc Status LED will stop blinking and turn on solid


Test that Load Sensing has been disabled by turning the load on and off from its manual switch

The load will not respond

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