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Best place to purchase ELK


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The wife wants an alarm system and I already have an ISY99 and one day it will be more fully intergated with the ELK alarm system, so I though I may as well puuchase an ELK. But first I have a few questions.


1) What model should I get for general windows and doors?


2) Where is the best place to purcahce the ELK, price and support?

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Let me know too as I need to get one to replace my 30 year old system. I think a base model needed is the ELK M1SYS4S and online prices vary from around $490 at Surveillent to $690 at SmartHome. I think the best support would be with with the ELK M1 forum at http://m1dealer.elkproducts.com


In order to connect to your ISY you'll also need to buy a ELK-M1XEP ethernet connector that runs about $215.

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I recommend Automated Outlet for your Elk purchase.


Call them for their best price and/or a price match if you find it someplace lower.


AO is good for support and you will also find support here.

If you are not aware of CocoonTech, please check it out for a lot of Elk advice and support.


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