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Different Colors for Devices and Scenes in My Lighting


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This seems like a simple request, but as I have experieced sometimes the simple things are the most complex.


I would like to be able to change the colors of the type identifying my devices.


The colors would visually differentiate and group my devices according to rooms, and/or application.


I hope I'm not beating a dead horse; I looked around the forum before this post and did not see this request.





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I think many have hinted about user controlled colors but as you said no official request that I can remember. It's a good idea which could be expanded a bit more to be able to adjust the colors of:


  • [*:8yeumlpo]Controller
    [*:8yeumlpo]Scene Name
    [*:8yeumlpo]Window background color
    [*:8yeumlpo]Window text color
    [*:8yeumlpo]Two alternating row colors for the table views
    [*:8yeumlpo]And a default button to return it to UDI standard colors

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