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Need help with program for Motion Sensor 2420M


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I have three MS2420M

This is MS#2 of 3 MS#1 is setup in our Summer Home this one is in our Primary Residence I'm using the power adapter (no battery) for all and both homes have an ISY99. This is what I am trying to achieve with the MS, I want to turn on a light or scene when motion is detected AT NIGHT ONLY. I have set the jumpers per the following: Jumper 3 and 5 are on both pins Jumper 1 and 2 are on single pin and Jumper 4 is missing (I dropped it) do I need to make any adjustments to the two dials for this to work. In addition I would like to be notified by mobile or email when motion is detected. I have email and mobile setup and tested already.


Here is my "test" program and what I see when motion is detected the sensor is ON but the light does not come on then sensor is OFF after a few seconds.



From Sunset

To Sunrise - 1 hour (next day)

And Control '14.5E.AF-Sensor' is switched On



Set 'Loft' Fast On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




When Jumper 5 is in place (both pins) only Jumper 1 (sensitivity) has any affect. Jumpers 2,3,4 and the pots are not used when Jumper 5 is in place.


Does the Motion Sensor - Sensor node reflect On/Off status as motion is detected?


Assuming Off commands have not been suppressed the Sensor node should be On for at least 30 seconds. That is the minimum programmatic timeout value.


The Program looks correct.





The node does reflect on/off as motion is detected and the light node reflects ON when motion is detected and remains on but it is not on physically. Can I remove all jumpers except for J5. I am at the console and the node for the light is still on and the node for MS is OFF but the actual light is also off. Sorry if I confused you.


EDIT: I must have blown the bulb from all the testing so I tried a different light and it came on when motion was detected but it's still on. How do I get the light to turn off after a few minutes and be ready to come back on when motion is detected.


Do I need to do anything in "OPTIONS" for the MS


Actually the worst of the possible problems do not exist. The motion sensor is working and the ISY is hearing the motion sensor messages.


From the Admin Console issue a Fast On to the Loft light. Since the Program Fast On is not working I expect the Admin Console Fast On to also not work unless a Program change was made and a Save was not done.


You can remove all the Jumpers except 5. Jumper 1 reduces the motion sensor sensitivity when in place (both pins). Not normally done unless a pet or trees/wind is causing false motion messages.


Thanks for the response you have been very helpful.

I made a few changes to the program and it seems to work ok, your thoughts please.



From Sunset

To Sunrise - 1 hour (next day)

And Control 'MS_01-Sensor-Sensor' is switched On



Set 'LvngRmRec' Fast On

Wait 3 minutes (Random)

Set 'LvngRmRec' Fast Off

Send Notification to 'SR'



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


EDIT: I removed all jumpers except J5 (still on both pins) and when motion was detected the light and sensor came on immediately and then the light turned off along with the sensor a few second later. Is there an adjustment to keep the light on for a few minutes. Should I put the jumpers back where they were.


The Program will trigger on each Motion On message. If using Occupancy mode or a short timeout value (less than 3 minutes random) and motion continues to be sensed the 'LvngRmRec' light will remain On and no email will be sent. Once the motion On messages stop flowing for 3 minutes random the 'LvngRmRec' will turn Off and a notification will be sent.



Why doesn't the OFF command turn light off? Jumper 5 is on all other jumpers are removed here is the program 'm testing and the settings in the Options screen.



Control '14.5E.AF-Sensor' is switched On



Set 'Light' On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')Set Options Page


Set Options

Timeout (minutes).........1

LED Brightness...............100

Darkness Sensitivity.........128


Sensing mode:

As motion is sensed (checked)

Only after timeout (unchecked) this is unchecked


On only mode:

On/Off commands (checked) this is checked

On commands only (unchecked)


Night mode:

Always (checked) this is checked

At night only (unchecked)




The Motion Sensor On command triggers the posted Program which turns On 'Light'. The Motion Sensor Off command is not programmed to do anything. There are a number of options. The simplest but the least flexible is to define a Scene with the Motion Sensor as a Controller and 'Light' as a Responder. The Motion Sensor On command will turn 'Light' On directly and the Motion Sensor Off command will turn 'Light' Off. This approach is useful for outside lights that turn On with motion and turn Off at some absolute time interval after motion has stopped.


The other approach is to do things programmatically as this provides the most flexibility when the Responders will turn Off. A separate Program can be created that triggers with the Off command and the Then clause turns 'Light' Off. This is not much more than using a Scene described above but will turn 'Light' Off.


If a simple On/Off is all that is required I suggest using a Scene rather than a Program. There is a very small delay in 'Light' turning On because the ISY Program has to be triggered and run to turn 'Light' On. With a Scene 'Light' will turn On instantaneously to motion being sensed.


Sometimes a Motion On condition is gated with a range of time of day, perhaps turning the responders on to a different light level depending on time of day. This requires a Program which you have started. The 'Light' Off can be done following a Wait in the Program that triggers with the On command, not using a separate Program that triggers from a Motion Off.


First thing to do is establish the objectives. When should Motion On result in lights turning On. Does it vary with time of day, etc. How long should the responders stay On. If the objectives can be satisfied with a simple Scene that is the path of choice. If not then one or more Programs are required to satisfy the objectives.


For my Master Bathroom the motion sensor turns the bathroom light On directly with a Scene. However I suppress the Off command coming from the Motion Sensor (On Only) and use program logic to determine when the light should turn Off.


Hope this has not just confused the issue.




Jumping in here and hopefully not adding to the confusion but I have a Silly Question. From what I see it looks like the motion sensor is added in to a scene but it does not look like it is actually linked to the light itself. Is that the case?

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