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SWL load does not follow Admin Console Current State cond.


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I have one SWL (2476D-v3.2) controlling one light. From the Admin Console, the Light load follows the On Level slider (brightens and dims as expected). The Ramp rate slider does not, regardless of the slider position, the load goes on and off immediately (no time delay) when the ON or OFF button on the Admin console is selected (not the Fast On/Off)


When I manually adjust the swl by slowly ramping up or down the light level, the Admin console follows and shows the Current State changing. When I tap the On paddle once, the light load in the room goes full bright, while the Admin console shows the Current State changing from OFF to what ever the slide "ON level" happens to be--example--the console is set to ON Level of 50%, the Current State goes to 50% but the actual light is full bright. When I double tap the SWL, the console correctly shows Current state to ON and the light is on at full bright.


I have done the factory reset several times and removed and added the swl to the Admin console several times.


To make sure I wasn't too confused. I tried the same tests on a different SWL and found the SWL to follow the console both in brightness and ramp rate controls. I am assuming I have a bad SWL but don't want to rule out a communication problem with the swl and the admin console. Suggestions?

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“When I manually adjust the swl by slowly ramping up or down the light level, the Admin console follows and shows the Current State changing. When I tap the On paddle once, the light load in the room goes full bright, while the Admin console shows the Current State changing from OFF to what ever the slide "ON level" happens to be--example--the console is set to ON Level of 50%, the Current State goes to 50% but the actual light is full bright.â€


My v36 SwitchLinc Dimmer goes to the On Level defined after pressing and holding the Off paddle allowing it to ramp down to Off. Then tap the On paddle.


Suggest running Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Device communications events selected. Set the On Level to something different so the ISY will have to update the value. Post the Event Log. Need to verify that I2 is being used to update the On Level.



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I am able to run the event log as you suggest and see the option to "save log to" which ends up as a .txt file. When I open the file with Notepad it is scrambled and hard to read. I have seen other posts where the actual event log screen is captured and pasted into the reply. I just don't know how to do this. Let me know what I am missing here and I will be glad to post the log.


For what it is worth as I don't understand it at all, I do see this comment near the top of the event log.


"using engine level i1 for ----

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Use Wordpad to view the Event Log file, Copy the Log file lines and Paste in post. It will look something like below. The following is what I traced when I set my SwitchLinc V38 On Level to 40%. Click on the Event Viewer Clear button just before changing the On Level. No need to have anything in the post but the actual adjustment of the On Level. Be sure to select the Device communications events option so all the commands will be traced.


The using I1 comment is likely the problem if it is related to setting the On Level.


What ISY firmware level are you running?


Does the Admin Console display of the SwitchLinc Node show the firmware level of the SwitchLinc?


Also, just to confirm, this is a SwitchLinc and not an ICON switch?


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:03 AM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.3F.93 0F 11 66 06 LTONRR (66)


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:03 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.3F.93 12.9F.E4 2B 11 66 LTONRR (66)


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:03 AM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.3F.93-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:03 AM : [ 16 3F 93 1] ST 102


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:03 AM : [ 16 3F 93 1] OL 102


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:03 AM : [All ] Writing 1 bytes to devices


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:03 AM : [16 3F 93 1 ] Memory : Write dbAddr=0x0032 [66]


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:03 AM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.3F.93 1F 2E 00 01 06 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00)


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:04 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.3F.93 12.9F.E4 2B 2E 00 (00)


Wed 09/14/2011 04:57:04 AM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.3F.93-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2



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Thanks, using WordPad makes it readable. To answer your questions: It is a SwitchLinc with the admin console showing 2476D V.27. The ISY is brand new and I got this info from the Admin console UD99 V.2.8.16. This Switchlinc is one of the first I bought about 2 years back.


Just for fun, I ran the event log on another SwitchLinc (this switch works as I expected maintaining the brightness level set from the Admin console). I see something that looks like your example. The problem switchlinc has the line (about 5-6 down from the top with the "using engine version---" which I don't see at all in your example or my good switchlinc.




Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:38 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0B.80.12 0F 11 63 06 LTONRR (63)


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:38 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0B.80.12 09.37.39 2B 11 63 LTONRR (63)


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:38 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][0B.80.12-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:38 PM : [ B 80 12 1] ST 99


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:38 PM : [ B 80 12 1] OL 99


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:38 PM : [All ] Writing 1 bytes to devices


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:38 PM : [b 80 12 1 ] Memory : Write dbAddr=0x0032 [63]


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:38 PM : [b 80 12 1 ] Using engine version i1 for 'Downstairs Den'


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:38 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0B.80.12 0F 28 00 06 SET-MSB(00)


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:39 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0B.80.12 09.37.39 2B 28 00 SET-MSB(00)


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:39 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][0B.80.12-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:39 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0B.80.12 0F 2B 32 06 PEEK (32)


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:39 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0B.80.12 09.37.39 2B 2B 96 PEEK (96)


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:39 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][0B.80.12-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:39 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0B.80.12 0F 29 63 06 POKE (63)


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:40 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0B.80.12 09.37.39 2B 29 63 POKE (63)


Wed 09/14/2011 03:52:40 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][0B.80.12-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

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I'm pretty sure the V27 SwitchLinc does not support I2. The I1 method of setting Local On Level and Local Ramp Rate values (Set MSB, Peek, Poke commands) often require the device to be power cycled (pull Set button for 15-20 seconds) for the changes to take effect.


The only way to be sure is to Delete the device and Add it back to the ISY using Auto Discover. The Event Viewer has to be running with the Device communications events option selected to see the commands issued during the device Add process. It is during the device Add process where it is determined if the device supports I2. If device Add determines I2 is not supported it will not be used to change the device configuration.


I'll review the Event Log of a new device Add trace if you want to Delete/Add the SwitchLinc. There were issues with v27 SwitchLincs not related to configuration changes. It might be wise to just replace the device with a new SwitchLinc. Not everyone experienced the V27 issues.



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All things considered, I will take your suggestion to just replace the switch. I did not have any luck with the "power cycle" tip. I pulled the set button out for 20 seconds, pushed it back in and saw no change. There may be more to the procedure to get it to work.


I gave it one more try by deleting the swl from the console, factory resetting the swl and then manually adjusting the on-level at the switch (reducing the brightness to about 50%). One tap on the switch now goes to 50% bright. Double tap goes full bright. I then added the swl to the console with the "start linking" mode and chose the option to "add devices found in links and keep existing links" Now the admin console shows 50% level and the switch works correctly.


Thanks for your help. I am glad for once that I can blame the device for the problem and not find it is something I screwed up.



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