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Mutually Exclusive Buttons on Keypadlinc


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When a Keypadlinc is selected in the Admin Console, there is a reference to mutually exclusive buttons.

I searched through the wiki page and found more info on this.


I want to make sure I understand what this feature is about:


- The capability of specifying pairs of buttons to assign on/off function for a single circuit.

- For mutually exclusive buttons, as one button in a pair lights up, the other turns off.


Additionally, is it possible to set up sets of two buttons to be remain toggled individually with the following behavior:


Button 1 Button 2

OFF OFF allowed

OFF ON allowed

ON OFF allowed

ON ON not allowed


In this matrix, if Button 1 is turned on, and Button 2 is already on, button 2 will turn off.


Is this best done in a program?

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Additionally, is it possible to set up sets of two buttons to be remain toggled individually with the following behavior:


Button 1 Button 2

OFF OFF allowed

OFF ON allowed

ON OFF allowed

ON ON not allowed


In this matrix, if Button 1 is turned on, and Button 2 is already on, button 2 will turn off.


Is this best done in a program?


I believe this is the very definition of a mutually exclusive relationship. I don't believe that such a relationship precludes an "off-off" condition. If button 1 is on, button 2 is off, and you turn off button 1, then both will be off.

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Sorry, I didn't make this clear.


For mutually exclusive buttons, the button pairs control a single load, so a button pair set to be mutually exclusive would have ON OFF or OFF ON as valid pairs. OFF OFF and ON ON are supposedly not allowed, if I understand the functionality correctly. Perhaps this assumption is incorrect?


What I want to do is have each individual button in a set of two buttons each control its own load, with the follow additional rule: ON ON is not allowed. ON OFF, OFF ON, and OFF OFF are legal states for the set. Again, each button controls its own circuit.


What is the best way to set this up?

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Mutually Exclusive buttons may control the same responder(s) or different responder(s). That depends on how the Scene each button controls is defined. ON ON is not a possible combination for a pair of Mutually Exclusive buttons. The other 3 combinations are possible.


There is no best approach. Mutually Exclusive buttons work well so long as only one KeypadLinc is involved. If multiple KeypadLincs are to be cross-linked Mutually Exclusive button relationship applies only where the button is being pressed. It does not carry over to other linked KeypadLincs



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What I want to do is have each individual button in a set of two buttons each control its own load


For mutually exclusive buttons, the button pairs control a single load,


Perhaps another thing that is not clear is that there are only two buttons (on, off) on the six-button keypad and only one (button A) on the eight-button keypad that can directly control a load (via red wire on device). All buttons on the keypad can be a controller or responder in a scene, however. As LeeG stated, buttons within a mutually-exclusive relationship can be controller of the same scene or of different scenes or of no scenes. This means they can control scenes including the same lights or different lights.


OFF OFF and ON ON are supposedly not allowed


I believe OFF OFF is allowed... ON ON is not allowed...in a mutually exclusive relationship. Only one button MAY be on, but that is not to say that one MUST be on.

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