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How do I add a item to a scene


I have a wall plug I would like to add to a bed room Scene.


How do I do that ?


I will install the plug in the wall then what?


Ant one know of a windows based software program that would make programing drag and drop? On that I do not have to leave the computer on all the time?


Thanks for the help


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Add the OutletLinc to the ISY in the same way other Insteon devices were added. Once added right click on the OutletLinc node and select “Add to Scene …â€. I popup will appear with a list of Scene names to pick from. Once the Scene has been selected another popup will display showing the OutletLinc as a Responder to the Scene. When the Scene update process is complete the OutletLinc will respond to the Scene.



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Just saw that you are a New user. To add an device to the ISY use Link Management | New INSTEON Device. Enter the Insteon Address and Name that you chose. Click Ok. The ISY will proceed to add the device to the ISY devices in the My Lighting tree and create the necessary link records.


To create a Scene use Link Management | New Scene. Enter a Scene name of your choice. Add the OutletLinc to the Scene as described in my previous post. If another Insteon device will control the OutletLinc add that device/button as a Controller of the Scene using the same method as the OutletLinc.



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I'll piggyback my Scene problem on Dodger's post. I have a KeypadLinc 2486DWH6 where I set up a simple 'Party' scene: linking all the lights in the house I want to turn On/Off with a button. When the button is pushed on, I also want the lights at prescribed on levels. Unfortunately, when you push the button on, lights come on to 100% brightness, not at the dimmed level.


I used an ISY-99IR to manage the scene, and based on my understanding, the devices listed under the scene are set-up correctly with different 'on levels'. For some reason, these on level settings do not appear to be writing to the devices or are ignored. I read another post on this forum that indicates the button controls the on level of all linked devices. Hmmmm.


It's important I fix this as my WAF is near an all time low. Anyone have ideas what I need to do?

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Thanks LeeG. You saved my bacon again. I had this set up once but after I had to replace the KPL, I could not recall how I did it the first time.


Highlighting the controller device under the scene revealed the attributes for all devices, and they were full on with no delay. I used the 'Copy Scene Attributes' button in the main window and that set all on levels and ramp rates to the prescribed settings I wanted.


WAF x 10!

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