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Iphone app and scenes


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Hey all,


I have installed an isy 99 as well as the whole house is being controlled with an ipad and ipod touch and a iphone. The last system I set up was with an elk and scenes through keypad links and rules. My question is the mobilinc pro see's all the scenes that are already made. But I want to make scene's that are triggered from the app only. I have no time scene's nor any rule scene's so I'm trying to figure out how to make a scene for an example when the button on the ipod is pressed then the lights dim in this scene. Maybe I missed something I've looked all over the forums and went to moblic's forums as well and I coundn't find anything on this. Any ideas would be great! This seem so simple it's probably right in front of me and I have missed it.


Thanks all



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There is no distinction between Scenes types. There is no such thing as a Time Scene or a Rule Scene or an App Scene as far as the ISY is concerned. A Scene is a Scene is a Scene. A given Scene can be used in as many different ways as you chose. Simply define a Scene in the ISY and use it in the App.



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Thanks lee,


I thought that there had to be a controller and the responders. So I thought that the controller had to be the app on the apple device. I tried to make a seen and adjust the levels in that scene and as I did that I would do it in real time as well. For an example I have a set of bed side lights controlled by a insteon switch and then the main light as well in the bedroom. So the scene I wanted was to turn off the lmain light and dim the bed side lights abit just for reading at night for an example. I guess my question is is once I have placed all the devices in the scene can I adjust the levels and then save? and once this is done I would press that button on the apple device and it would run the scene? Before in the other place I had to program in if, then commands. If IRcode 1 is received then run this scene. So that's why I'm a bit confused but I think I can get it now thanks.

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If these are ISY Scenes the ISY PLM is the Controller with whatever devices are added as Responders. Many devices have the capability to be Controllers and Responders so when a SwitchLinc is added to an ISY Scene as a Controller it is also being defined as a Responder of the Scene. When the Scene name is manipulated the ISY PLM is the functional Controller and whatever On Level and Ramp rates have been defined for the Responders of the ISY Scene will determine how each Responder reacts.


This is the result whether the Scene name is driven from an ISY Program, controlling the Scene through the Admin Console or controlling the Scene through a button on an App. The ISY PLM is the Controller and the Responders should react the same regardless of where the Scene directive comes from.



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