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Mobilinc no longer working for controlling devices


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Recently, my mobilinc application on both my iPhone and iPad is no longer working to control my network. I really am not sure what the problem is so I will try to describe my situation.

It is not internet connection related. I have verified that by logging in remotely from my work computer via the internet. I have no problems at all accessing and controlling my lights. Similarly, I can work on a laptop at home and connect over the WiFi and have full access via http. However, checking and rechecking my settings in Mobilinc still leaves me frustrated.

I know the IP address is correct (not using DynDNS), I know the port forward is working (as was demonstrated by using my work PC to connect and manage) but still I cannot get my mobilinc to recognize an internet connection. The local IP address for the ISY-99 is not via DHCP but statically assigned as part of my network so that is not an issue as well.


My last resort would be to uninstall and reinstall the application via iTunes. Not my preferred method but if that is part of the troubleshooting process, I will be up for doing that. I just want this to work as it has for the past 1 1/2 years.


I am running the latest firmware and the latest version of the software as well.


Please help! I have come to rely on this system as more than just a cool toy :-)


Thanks in advance for any and all replies!


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Hi all,


Probably a better way to say it is the UPnP implementation in 3.1.8 and 3.1.9 does not consistently return responses to MobiLinc query requests. When the ISY is busy processing log files is espicially when the ISY does not return responses to MobiLinc. This is fixed in 3.1.10 and I hope UDI is able to release this update soon.


A workaround is to set the connect method to HTTP when you are at home on your local Wi-Fi and HTTPS or Auto when you are on cellular.



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Mobilinc just put out an update and the problem still exists using that application.

I have http access just fine with all of my devices i.e. iPhone, iPad and any computer.

https access works when I am remote and have access to a computer. That is the most frustrating part. I know that my network settings are correct because I can access https connections but only when using a computer...not the mobilinc application on my iPhone.

Mobilinc tech support and forums have been no help whatsoever. If anyone has come across this and discovered a workaround other than enabling http access remotely, please chime in.


I am not using UPnP but rather have a static rule for port forwarding to my isy.


Thanks in advance for any and all help. I just want this to work as it has in the past.




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Hi Tom,


The update released last night was to address iOS 5 compatibility issues. There are no known issues with HTTPS. Let me recap and see if I can understand where the issue is:


- Your iPhone is connected via 3G or a remote Wi-Fi source

- Under My Settings->Lighting Controller you have both HTTP and HTTPS IP and Port information filled out (and have confirmed that HTTPS is correct).

- The Connect Method is set to Auto.


For this scenario, MobiLinc will see that you are on a 3G or a remote connection and attempt to connect over HTTPS. When this fails, try using Safari on your iPhone with the same HTTPS and PORT information to verify that the iPhone is capable of resolving the address to your router. If you are using a Dynamic DNS address it may be possible that the iPhone does not have the address resolution for your dynamic address. Safari will fail to connect if that is true.


If you are using a Dynamic DNS address, please try the fixed IP address of your router instead and try again.


If this still doesn't work, please email me at wes@mobileintegratedsolutions.com with your connect info to your ISY and I can attempt to diagnose the connect issue from my lab setup.



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Thank you very much for your reply and offer to assist.

I have solved the issue after taking some time yesterday. It was an ISP issue that was causing the application not to work. I have cleared it up with Verizon and now I have the control of my ISY remotely as I had in the past.

Stupid Verizon!!!!!!


Thanks again!


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For some reason; unclear even to the tech that I was working with, Verizon was blocking all inbound http and https connections to my network. I was not hosting a web server nor was I exceeding "normal" bandwidth usage so he was not clear on why I was configured that way. He made some change, I rebooted my router and was given a new outside IP address. I changed my mobilinc settings to the new outside IP and random port number for SSL connections and voila, everything worked again.

There are so many moving parts to getting this all to work but in the end, I am glad that everything appears to be back to normal.


I wish I could be more help in discovering some errant flaw that could be addressed but it seems my case was very anomalous.


Thank you again for your help in talking me through the testing points though. These steps will surely be saved for later should some similar issue take hold.



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