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Keypadlinc Button question


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Sure. Define an ISY Scene (Link Management | New Scene). Add the KeypadLinc button (right click on KPL button node and select Add to Scene...) as a Controller and the LampLinc as a Responder (right click on LampLinc node and select Add to Scene..). Set button links should not be done as the ISY is not aware of them and can result in problems later on with link database issues. There are some exceptions about Set button links but in general they should not be done.


Yes, do not manually link them. Unless the User Guide and/or Wiki indicates a manual Set button link should be done for special devices links should always be established by defining a Scene and adding the various devices as Controllers or Responders.


Thanks, I think I got it. I read in the ISY manual that if a scene is save to a Keypadlinc button that it save it to the button so it work even if the ISY is down for some reason. If that is so, if you change the scene in some way does if automaticly save it to the button?


Sure does, changes to a Scene are written to the affected devices. No running around the house pressing Set buttons any more (except for RF devices to wake them up). A side benefit is if the device ever loses it link database there is an ISY Restore Device function that can restore the complete device link database.


EDIT: my personal preference is to do everything with a Scene that can be done with a Scene. Not because the ISY is unreliable because the ISY is very reliable. Doing things with Programs that can otherwise be done with a Scene introduces a small delay as a Program has to be invoked and another Insteon message issued. There many things that require a Program and they should always be used where it makes sense. Just start with a Scene and if it cannot be done with a Scene then add a Program to the mix.


Thanks, I am learning new things every day. I had to start over as my 1st ISY was defective (after less than 2 weeks) Just go a new replacement from Smarthome today. Got my first button on the Keypadlinc progamed fine. Your instuction were perfect. As for your advise about scenes, I agree 100%, that is how I did it with my Activehome system and am doing it with the ISY. If you can control thing with a scene it save alot of extra steps..


Thanks again for the great advise and help, I'm sure I will be in need of more in the future!


I am installing a Keypadlinc and a Switchlinc in the bathroom in a wired 3-way setup. To link them together after their installed, how is the best way to do that through the ISY??


Define a new ISY Scene. Add both the KeypadLinc button and SwitchLinc as Controllers to the Scene. The ISY assumes a Controller is also a Responder (assuming the device has Responder capability) so the effect is to cross-link the KeypadLinc button and the SwitchLinc. When the Scene links have been written either the KeypadLinc button or the SwitchLinc will control the load and both will stay in sync regarding status LEDs.


Yes. A 6 button KeypadLinc does not have a separate node for the OFF button. The ON and OFF buttons use the same Group number so the combined buttons function like a single KPL button in toggle mode.


So if I use a Keypadlinc only as a controller with no load connected, will I be able to set the top and bottom seperately?? I am replacing a old 1273 Keypadlinc (which is only a controller) with an New Keypadlinc.


"will I be able to set the top and bottom seperately??"


No. The ON and OFF buttons use the same Group number which means the same Scene (group of responders). This would be a case where a Program is needed. One Program triggers with an On command and does something with a device or Scene and another Program triggers with an Off command from the same KeypadLinc node and does something with a different device or Scene. The ON/OFF buttons would not directly control a Scene. Remember the buttons are still tied together so pressing the ON button turns that button LEDs On and pressing the OFF button turns the ON button LEDs Off and the OFF button LEDs On.

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